I need help with a trip down memory lane. When was the linux helper host introduced. If I am not completely confused I remember that you used to have to use a helper appliance that Veeam would install on Esx but then later introduced the Helper Host where you could simply use a Veeam host in your managed servers to help mount the linux file system. It has been a while and I could be off target with this
Was it one of the V11 updates? I will dig and see maybe between 10 and 11.
Linux FLR without helper appliance — FLR from Linux file systems can now be performed by mounting backup to ANY Linux machine: dedicated, target or the original one (which is always guaranteed to understand the file system you’re trying to restore from). This approach removes the requirement for a vSphere or Hyper-V host to run FLR helper appliance on, while eliminating networking complexities and security concerns around the appliance. It also allows customers to perform FLR directly within cloud-based VMware infrastructure offerings.
Linux FLR without helper appliance — FLR from Linux file systems can now be performed by mounting backup to ANY Linux machine: dedicated, target or the original one (which is always guaranteed to understand the file system you’re trying to restore from). This approach removes the requirement for a vSphere or Hyper-V host to run FLR helper appliance on, while eliminating networking complexities and security concerns around the appliance. It also allows customers to perform FLR directly within cloud-based VMware infrastructure offerings.
Linux FLR without helper appliance — FLR from Linux file systems can now be performed by mounting backup to ANY Linux machine: dedicated, target or the original one (which is always guaranteed to understand the file system you’re trying to restore from). This approach removes the requirement for a vSphere or Hyper-V host to run FLR helper appliance on, while eliminating networking complexities and security concerns around the appliance. It also allows customers to perform FLR directly within cloud-based VMware infrastructure offerings.