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Enfoce Backup Retention

I need to know how could enforce VBR to delete the old backup chain as mentioned in the retention policy, our scenario can be summarized as follows:

we activate a full backup every Thursday and get incremental backup from Friday till Wednesday, we need to enforce Veeam once get a new version of full backup delete all old backup chains, and keep only the last full backup file. 

Any help on this!

  • Comes here often
  • November 29, 2023

If I understand your question correctly, would that mean that you only want to have one restore point on Thursdays after creating the full backup?
If you set the retention setting to one restore point, Veeam will delete all old restore points on Thursdays after the full backup has been created.

best regards, Thomas


Hello @Ahmed Ismail 

That can be done by set your backup to 7 days or 7 restore points and configure weekly GFS to 1 or 2 weeks

  • November 29, 2023



You’ll need to contact Veeam support to be able to set your minimum retention policy to 1:

Short-Term Retention Policy - User Guide for VMware vSphere (


  • The minimum number of retained restore points is 3. This number does not depend on the number of days set in the retention policy. For example, the retention policy is set to 5 days. You launch the job after it was stopped for 10 days. Normally, Veeam Backup & Replication will delete all previous restore points. However, due to the minimum number of retained restore points, you will still have at least 3 restore points: the newly created restore point and the two previous ones.

You can change the minimum number of retained restore points with a registry value. For more information, contact Veeam Customer Support.


But I wouldn’t recommend this, why do you want to delete your chain immediately after building a new backup? Is this due to space constraints?

Moustafa_Hindawi wrote:

Hello @Ahmed Ismail 

That can be done by set your backup to 7 days or 7 restore points and configure weekly GFS to 1 or 2 weeks

Days does not work the same as restore points as the chain would be kept longer - been through this with many of our Veeam implementations.  If you want it to work the best use Restore Points.

Also, Michael’s point about why do this would be good to know if it is space.


Hi @Ahmed Ismail -

I am just following up on your post here from a couple mos ago to see if any of the comments here helped you out? It appears, after a week of backups, you want your Job to remove the previous week’s (7 days worth) of backups, with only the weekly (Active or Synthetic) Full left? As was mentioned, the only way to do this is configure your Job’s Retention to have only 1 Restore Point (or Day), assuming your Job Schedule is also set to backup once a day (i.e. Daily). As Michael mentions, the minimum which can be set is 3, and you must get I believe a Registry configuration from Veeam Support to be able to set your Retention to 1. But what this will do is configure your job to only have 1 Restore Point at any given day in moving forward….not have 7 days in an active chain from which you can perform restores. Do you really only want to have the ability to restore back from 1 day for this particular job? Just something to think about.

Again, if any of the comments here answered your query, we ask you mark one as ‘Best Answer’ so others who come across your post with a similar question may benefit.

Thank you.
