Hey guys
I’m back to the community. Just courious how many of you are Kubestronauts? Or never heard of it?
Kubestronaut program introduced at KubeCon Europe in Paris back in March 2024 by CTO Chris A from CNCF. So far, in 3+ months, there’re 300 kubestronauts from 64 countries. My photo has been featured by Linux Foundation and CNCF to promote this program.
Join me to be a kubestronaut, https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7185950791772340225
I believe my Kasten automation is still relevant. Has anyone tried it lately? http://k10.k8sug.com
Here’s the automation code. https://github.com/yongkanghe/eks-k10
Best regards