Hey Everyone, I wanted to share some of the things we have going on next week at KubeCon EU 2023 and also some of the things I am personally looking forward to.
We will have a big presence at the event as a platinum sponsor for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe the EU 2023 edition of the conference is going to be in Amsterdam, the last time I was in Amsterdam for a conference it was last year for HashiConf 2022 EU.
I think I saw something that KubeCon is sold out for the in-person, and with that, we can expect to see a 10,000-strong audience and community. There will also be a virtual element for those that cannot make it to Amsterdam.
Kasten Learning Day based on KubeCampus
As with KubeCon in Detroit in October we will be running the Kasten learning day focused on rookie and pro labs where the community can join us on Tuesday afternoon to walk through these labs with yours truly.
Happening on April 18 at the Hilton Amsterdam, Kubernetes Learning Day will feature two tracks: the Rookie Track at 12:00 CET and the Pro Track at 14:00 CET. Make sure to register so you can network with Kubernetes thought leaders, complete hands-on labs and learn real-world cloud-native skills!

Kelsey Hightower in the Kasten booth!
The Kubernetes community #1 advocate, Kelsey Hightower will be joining us in the booth, signing his book “Kubernetes Up and Running” in the afternoon of Thursday 20th. There will also be a chance to hear from Kelsey in a fireside chat about all things storage and data on Kubernetes. The booth will be packed with engineers showing Kasten K10 and the capabilities to help protect the data you are finding in your Kubernetes clusters.
Our Workshop Session: Tutorial: What Went Wrong with My Persistent Data?
I am teaming up with Le Tran for this workshop where we plan to cover some Kubernetes storage 101, followed by labs and troubleshooting before hopefully landing on some bonus labs we have created around Storage Considerations, Performance and Protection.
We have 90 minutes to cover the complexities of Kubernetes Storage here and provide some hands-on lab scenarios to help with that learning. You can find more details here Session Details.

I am really looking forward to speaking at KubeCon, it will be my first opportunity outside of KubeCon 2021 which was all virtual. The call for papers and acceptance for KubeCon is like no other event I have spoken at or submitted to, last year it was around 12% acceptance for all sessions submitted, which would hopefully give you a good understanding of how hard it is to get sessions accepted here.
We have two paths to work through the labs, one will be using Insruqt labs which should help us on the day to avoid local internet speeds and fails and the other will be minikube based. This will be made available during the session and open to the public to walk through this lab, we will also make the slides and presentation available alongside the recording of the session (not sure if these are recorded, if not then I will record something after) I will share the link with you all here as well in the next post.
My KubeCon 2023 EU - Amsterdam - Goals
My goals above all the responsibilities I have above will be walking the show floor and learning what the community is doing and what the focus will be on. Specifically for me, there are 3 areas of interest:
- Security: I believe we will continue to see a trend and focus around security, I want to learn more and more about the community and the drive towards being more security-focused.
- Cost & Cloud Optimisations: Even more than ever the economy is dictating a lot of what we are seeing in the field around consumption and cost, there are lots of great start-ups doing some great things in this space.
- WebAssembly: WASM has been a growing trend in this space, and I want to learn more about this. When you see Nigel Poulton playing with technology you have to take a look!
I will also be on the lookout for anything AI focused on the trends around ChatGPT and other AI-based tools that are taking the industry and world by storm.
I think that might be enough for today, If you are going to be in Amsterdam, let me know below, I would love to buy you a beer or a coffee. April and May are going to be very busy times for events and being back on the road.