2024 - The learning journey continues...

  • 5 January 2024

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Hey Everyone, happy 2024 to everyone! 

Our little community here is growing year on year and it is great to come by and see some amazing content to help us learn as a community. 

Continued Learning - We are never finished learning

I think many of us at the start of the year not only reflect on the year we just had but we look forward to some of the areas of interest we have for the new year ahead. For me this year I want to understand more about RedHat OpenShift, I need to build a lab and find time to master some of the areas that go above and beyond Kubernetes. 

OpenShift is not just a managed Kubernetes option, we can not only run Containers but also Virtual Machines and other Data Services and Tooling




We have just kicked off #90DaysOfDevOps 2024 Community edition. 

In 2024 we are going big and getting more of the community involved and exploring a new format. For each day we will have a video session from a member of the community sharing their story, demos and or projects.

Day 1 - Community Edition Introduction

For those new around here this repository was started in 2022 with my learning journey into DevOps, getting a better foundational knowledge of "DevOps". In 2023 we invited some friends to contribute on their subject to enable the community more learning content and resources.

90DaysOfDevOps Project GitHub


Cloud Native Databases


Another area of focus for me in 2024 and my learning journey is to get to grips with the overwhelming amount of Cloud Native Databases we have available to us, the days of choosing between Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server are now over and we have a plethora of choice for different use cases. (And yes you do see DB2 down there… Because this is happening out there in the world, Containerised DB2)

Just a few Cloud Native Databases available to us today


Programming Language 


I did not go to university and study computer science, so over the last 12 months I have gone back to school (not really I am using YouTube and Edx to learn) but my focus has been around Computer science with a course called CS50 which is a free course for all and it covers “An introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.” 

Programming is 10% writing code and 90% understanding why it’s not working

The second element of learning a programming language and the foundations of Computer Science is to continue my learning journey with Golang. Golang is an interesting language, many of the cloud native applications are written in Go. Kubernetes and Docker are the most notable but then also major projects like Prometheus are also written in Golang. Not to forget that Kasten K10 and many of our open source tools are as well. 

This focus is very much on the learn by doing, I have done a lot of the theory. In fact 90DaysOfDevOps 2022 edition was me starting this journey and we are now 2 years on. I have been creating some demo apps to get a better understanding of the language and of programming in general. 


I am also hoping to build some incubation projects that could be useful for the community in 2024, watch this space. 

Like Vanny Vanguard all amazing Products and Projects have to have a mascot

Further Learning


Some would say that the above is already more than enough to commit to but we are never finished learning, constantly evolving technologies means we have to stay up to date with what is happening. I would love to say it is all about AI and AI will help us massively this year and beyond. 

Some other areas I want to be more familiar with in 2024 are listed below,

Some other stretch goal learning objectives 


I am not sure if a post like this is useful or not but I have always found writing down your goals and plans for the year ahead in public also gives you some accountability throughout the year. 

If anyone would like to discuss and chat about the above in anyway please let me know, also a wider ask if anyone is struggling with wanting to get started in the world of cloud native then again reach out and I would be more than happy to help. 




Userlevel 7
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Thanks for this @michaelcade as someone on the wrong side of 50, this shift in computing interests me.

I shall try and get my teeth into the #90DaysOfDevOps and expand my knowledge. 

Userlevel 7
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Excellent post and very useful. One of the issues in today’s IT is the sheer abundance of learning tools out there. Many are free. So the obvious question that arises is “what should I study?”. This is where mentorship and leadership is so crucial. Our time to study is a very finite thing and so one needs to spend it carefully. I recently saw a video about an 78 year old man who everyday does calisthenics and has at least 3 study programs ongoing. When asked what is the point at this stage of your life he answered it is not the end goal that brings happiness it is the process! Just like working out you feel yourself growing and this goes for the mind as well.

The one thing I am trying to do is stop doing my wishy washy switching when it comes to some subjects like programming and have now committed to Python until I get to a least some level of competency. This will be a challenge as it does not come easily at all to me (kind of like pullups!) but one must keep going as eventually it becomes fun 😀

Userlevel 7
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Happy New Year Michael.  Thanks for sharing this stuff. This is the year to start getting in to Kubernetes and Kasten learning so will be watching posts here in the community more to start the journey.

Userlevel 7
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Very true.  I had someone ask me what they should work on to “Learn IT” a while ago. After thinking about it for a minute, there are so many different avenues, fields, or directions you can take. Within each one there are different areas as well.  It’s good to have an end goal, or multiple goals and write them down or it’s overwhelming. 

Userlevel 7
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Happy New Year to you Michael! Sure… a post like this is indeed useful to give those in the Community, or those looking to start some area of tech, an idea how those of us already in tech first approach new areas we wanna learn. Good stuff!

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Thanks for taking the time to post his Michael. I will likely use this as one of my references for what I should be learning about in 2024.
