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Hey all,

We have Veeam ( backup jobs with a secondary target to tape.

I noticed that the tape jobs were saying they took 21 hours to complete which is strange.  Seems that the tape job is starting before the backup job.

We have the vm backups start at 9pm and they take about 2 hours to complete.  The tape backup starts at 9am.

Example: I saw the tape backup start at 9am on a Monday, then wait until the vm backup that starts at 9pm that night finish.

Not sure how it got out of whack.  The backups are still working I guess but is there a way to reset the timing?  Delete and re-add the backup job?  Maybe just re-add the secondary target to the backup job?




Check here as it lists out the tape scheduling information with Veeam along with some caveats - Schedule for Backup to Tape Job - User Guide for VMware vSphere (

This should help.

Thanks for the reply @Chris.Childerhose 

I should add it is a GFS media pool job.

I read through the linked doco but still don’t understand why the tape job starts then waits for the next backup rather than backing up the one that just occurred.

The tape backups get done, but it just looks wrong when it says the tape job took 20+ hours to run when in reality it only took an hour or two.

Yeah, the tape jobs are sort of like that but if you need them to kick off right away you can set this option in the tape job under the Advanced button which helps.


Thinking about it, it is probably good the way it is currently working.  This way it actually starts backing up to tape immediately after the vm backup is done, rather than waiting until its scheduled kick off time.


I get to work in the morning and the backups are all done!
