My last 2 cases are not going smooth with the Veeam support.
My first case was regarding this topic and I did finally solved it myself. Then I get respons with the question how I did solved it!
My new case posted 1st of aug is still in status new. Is it really because of the holidays, or are there under-staffed? I know, the severity is low, as it is not urgent, but normally I get a respons faster.
The question I did ask them:
My Veeam server is on a seperated VLAN, other than my ESXi servers. My storage is DirectSAN accessible. Only If I use Instant Recovery or SureBackup, the NFS mount to backup repository (local storage on server) is going over the Firewall, and I want to prevent that. So I did create on my ESXi another kernel adapter in the same lan of Veeam and yes, the connection with NFS running trough that kernel and the mount is successfully, I can even browse, but Veeam referring in the job to the NFS via FQDN what is on another IP and therefore fails as the ESXi is communicate with my new VMKernel adapter and not on Management interface where the FQDN is refers.
The error is
NFC storage connection is unavailable. Storage: [stg:datastore-1032,nfchost:host-1014,conn:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.local]. Storage display name: [VeeamBackup_xxxxxxxxxxx].
Failed to create NFC download stream. NFC path: [nfc://conn:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.local,nfchost:host-1014,stg:datastore-1032@SRVNAME_4987d0b17f2045d9aa651bd4045f0d9c/SRVNAME.vmx]
Anyone having the same issue once and did find a solution?