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veeam recovery boot disc, trying to recover a machine, veeam does not see the files in the samba share


Hello, Trying to restore a machine.

  1. Created a Veeam recovery iso.
  2. Boot the ISO
  3. Click “Bare Metal Recovery”
  4. Click “Network Storage”
  5. Click “Shared Folder”
  6. Type in “\\\veeam2” and the username and password
  7. Click “Next”
  8. Now, see the “Specify a backup to restore from”
  9. the problem is that the file dialog box shows no files, states “No Items”

Note: From other window machines, no problem accessing the share.

c:\data>net use r: \\\veeam2 /user:veeamserver02 "GXJMHxzv"
The command completed successfully.

c:\data>dir r:
 Volume in drive R is veeam2
 Volume Serial Number is 311F-579B

 Directory of R:\

01/13/2021  02:24 PM    <DIR>          .
04/11/2023  10:58 AM    <DIR>          ..
07/08/2021  11:18 AM    <DIR>          repository
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
               3 Dir(s)  623,201,038,336 bytes free

Note: From command line of Veeam recovery, cannot use `net use` without error

Please see screenshots.






Best answer by asdffdsa6132

I figured it out.

For some reason, Veeam requires me to specify the FULL path, not just the share name.




View original


I figured it out.

For some reason, Veeam requires me to specify the FULL path, not just the share name.





Glad you got it sorted @asdffdsa6132 
