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VBR migration is stucking in Tape server scanning

Hello everyone,

I am doing VBR migration, and the configuration restoration stucked in “rescanning tape server”, actually, I am not sure how much should it takes or what should I do if it is still stucking





Userlevel 7
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Hi @Moustafa_Hindawi - I haven’t had that happen, and I just performed a VBR migration to v12 from v11a a week ago. Although, I didn’t/don’t have a tape solution in my environment. Is it still showing as above? Have you reached out to Support? Curious why it’s hanging there, unless it’s just taking a great deal of time to complete?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Moustafa_Hindawi - I haven’t had that happen, and I just performed a VBR migration to v12 from v11a a week ago. Although, I didn’t/don’t have a tape solution in my environment. Is it still showing as above? Have you reached out to Support? Curious why it’s hanging there, unless it’s just taking a great deal of time to complete?

I am not sure, but when I uncheck “Backup and replica catalog” it worked fine

Userlevel 7
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Hmm..ok. I didn’t check that option myself because I don’t use it, and my migration went flawlessly.. Glad you’re up and going. 😊

Userlevel 7
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The lengthy rescan is probable due to the catalog and the number of backups/tapes/etc. that you use with backup to tape.  It can take some time but should never be a very long period of time.

Userlevel 7
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The lengthy rescan is probable due to the catalog and the number of backups/tapes/etc. that you use with backup to tape.  It can take some time but should never be a very long period of time.

Yep, that’s right. It will depend on the amount of information it needs to rescan but does get there eventually. 

Userlevel 7
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I was up to 3 days a while ago every time I needed to catalogue. I’m sure it’s higher using more tape.


Once I kick it off I try not to look at and remind myself it’s going to take a while. 

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I was up to 3 days a while ago every time I needed to catalogue. I’m sure it’s higher using more tape.


Once I kick it off I try not to look at and remind myself it’s going to take a while. 

Wow that seems like a lot and to me should not take that long, but if the system is loading tapes to read them, etc. then it just might.

Userlevel 6
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the very same issue has happened to me (my customer). We had to abort migration and revert to the previous configuration because the rescan was running since 2 hours and, obviously, there is no way to see how long will it take (no %progress indication). I opened a case with the support to know if they have some workround/experience to speed up or at least forecast the time needed.


Userlevel 7
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@atinivelli - Curious to know if they come up with a solution

Userlevel 6
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@atinivelli - Curious to know if they come up with a solution

they asked me to upload some logs but, sadly, we have reverted the veeam server VM to the previous snapshot so we have lost them 😭. We have instructions, in case we have to abort again, to pick up logs before the snapshot revert
