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VBR migration is stucking in Tape server scanning

Hello everyone,

I am doing VBR migration, and the configuration restoration stucked in “rescanning tape server”, actually, I am not sure how much should it takes or what should I do if it is still stucking




Hi @Moustafa_Hindawi - I haven’t had that happen, and I just performed a VBR migration to v12 from v11a a week ago. Although, I didn’t/don’t have a tape solution in my environment. Is it still showing as above? Have you reached out to Support? Curious why it’s hanging there, unless it’s just taking a great deal of time to complete?

Hi @Moustafa_Hindawi - I haven’t had that happen, and I just performed a VBR migration to v12 from v11a a week ago. Although, I didn’t/don’t have a tape solution in my environment. Is it still showing as above? Have you reached out to Support? Curious why it’s hanging there, unless it’s just taking a great deal of time to complete?

I am not sure, but when I uncheck “Backup and replica catalog” it worked fine

Hmm..ok. I didn’t check that option myself because I don’t use it, and my migration went flawlessly.. Glad you’re up and going. 😊

The lengthy rescan is probable due to the catalog and the number of backups/tapes/etc. that you use with backup to tape.  It can take some time but should never be a very long period of time.

The lengthy rescan is probable due to the catalog and the number of backups/tapes/etc. that you use with backup to tape.  It can take some time but should never be a very long period of time.

Yep, that’s right. It will depend on the amount of information it needs to rescan but does get there eventually. 

I was up to 3 days a while ago every time I needed to catalogue. I’m sure it’s higher using more tape.


Once I kick it off I try not to look at and remind myself it’s going to take a while. 

I was up to 3 days a while ago every time I needed to catalogue. I’m sure it’s higher using more tape.


Once I kick it off I try not to look at and remind myself it’s going to take a while. 

Wow that seems like a lot and to me should not take that long, but if the system is loading tapes to read them, etc. then it just might.

the very same issue has happened to me (my customer). We had to abort migration and revert to the previous configuration because the rescan was running since 2 hours and, obviously, there is no way to see how long will it take (no %progress indication). I opened a case with the support to know if they have some workround/experience to speed up or at least forecast the time needed.


@atinivelli - Curious to know if they come up with a solution

@atinivelli - Curious to know if they come up with a solution

they asked me to upload some logs but, sadly, we have reverted the veeam server VM to the previous snapshot so we have lost them 😭. We have instructions, in case we have to abort again, to pick up logs before the snapshot revert
