Hi guys,
I have a problem when searching for information in jobs type "EpAgentBackup", in the "Backup" type I can search for all the information, but in "EpAgentBackup" I can't...
I would like information like the following:
Job = $JobName
Name = $jobObject.Name
Size = $jobObject.ApproxSizeString
PointsOnDisk = $PointsOnDisk
LastResult = $LastResult
LastBackupStart = $LastBackupStart
LastBackupTotalSize = $BackupTotalSize
LastBackupSize = $BackupSize
RepositoryPath = $RepositoryPath
Status = $jobStatus
Today I can't search for information via PowerShell in Agent type jobs.
Could someone please tell me if it is possible?
Thank you for all your support!
Thanks in advance