Ok, now we know what is wrong in your case. You cannot “copy” file share backups to a capacity tier. That’s because nothing is happening.
For file share backup jobs, the object storage can only be used for offloading older file versions or deleted files. It’s called Archive Repo. If you want to leverage this function, you need to add the object storage directly in the backup job. You cannot use your SOBR for that.
4 The object storage repository added as a Capacity Tier in SOBR is not used for storing NAS backups. To archive NAS backup files to an object storage repository, assign it as an archive repository when creating a file share backup job.
I have not this structure. I just get the three first element including archive folder.
Ok, can you tell us more about the type of the backup Job you are trying to offload?
Can you check the status of the offloads Jobs?
You can find it in the history under Storage Management in your vbr console:
Checking this plus the logs in C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup will also help narrow down the issue.
I attached the history. All seems to be good. But nothing is copied.
The offload job are running each 4 hours, but i does not configure it as is. In SOBR capacity tier Tab i choosed Copy mode and not move mode. In SOBR Offload log file, it seems to use the move mode and i can’t understand why.
Ok, now we know what is wrong in your case. You cannot “copy” file share backups to a capacity tier. That’s because nothing is happening.
For file share backup jobs, the object storage can only be used for offloading older file versions or deleted files. It’s called Archive Repo. If you want to leverage this function, you need to add the object storage directly in the backup job. You cannot use your SOBR for that.
4 The object storage repository added as a Capacity Tier in SOBR is not used for storing NAS backups. To archive NAS backup files to an object storage repository, assign it as an archive repository when creating a file share backup job.
Ok, now we know what is wrong in your case. You cannot “copy” file share backups to a capacity tier. That’s because nothing is happening.
For file share backup jobs, the object storage can only be used for offloading older file versions or deleted files. It’s called Archive Repo. If you want to leverage this function, you need to add the object storage directly in the backup job. You cannot use your SOBR for that.
4 The object storage repository added as a Capacity Tier in SOBR is not used for storing NAS backups. To archive NAS backup files to an object storage repository, assign it as an archive repository when creating a file share backup job.