Yes! It comes up a lot on the test (my experience and that of a colleague)
I had the opportunity to work with both platforms for a long time, and I'll share some things here.
It's an extremely noble workload and many mission-critical clients use it.
For more than three decades, organizations have trusted IBM AIX. It's no wonder that the robustness of this technology is recognized worldwide.
As for the SOLARIS side, the security and uptime for client databases and Java workloads with Oracle Solaris operating systems.
Here for VMCA, I'll share these links that I'm sure will help:
Obviously, start with the standard. The official guides:
I have this video that is quite old, but I think it can help (since it is a rare LAB to create)
(In Portuguese)
I also presented a success story about covering AIX structures with Veeam, Pure Storage and AWS:
(In Portuguese)
I believe this content will help you on the test, I helped a colleague recently who passed the VMCA and told me that the AIX tips helped a lot.
(In Portuguese)

That's it! Cheers!