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Veeam Backup for Salesforce v1 has been released

Last week Veeam did release Veeam Backup for Salesforce (VBSF). VBSF is a completly new product which offers backup for the Salesforce CRM plattform.

Salesforce only has very limited possibilities for backing up your data & metadata, just like many other PaaS vendors (plattform as a service). On the other hand they recommend their customers to regularly create backups. For more informations see this article: Best practices to backup Salesforce data


VBSF is supported to run on CentOS 7, RedHat Linux 7/8 and Oracle Linux 7/8, and uses PostgreSQL as a database. So in order to install and manage it, you should have at least some basic Linux skills. You can choose to install the software and it’s dependencies manually, or use the setup script provided by Veeam, which automates all the necessary steps:

sudo curl --output ./

sudo sh ./



VBSF is licensed by active Salesforce Users. At the moment the product license is separate from the well known Veeam Universal License.

And as always there’s a community edition available which enables you to backup Salesfore organizations with a total of 50 (!) users.

Further information

If you’re interested in Veeam Backup for Salesforce then check out the following links for more information.

Product Page

Release Notes


And if you are using Salesforce in your company and planing to try VBSF out, then please leave a comment.


Thanks for sharing this.  Was great news at the Summit. 😁

Simple post and amazing content, thanks Max.


Great article Max!
