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SOBR Archive Tier – Explained and Configured – Part 2 of 4

Michael Melter

This is part two of the blogpost. Part one can be found here: SOBR Archive Tier – Explained and Configured – Part 1 of 4 | Veeam Community Resource Hub

In this part will will discuss the reason behind having different tiers and how they appear within Microsoft Azure.


Hot or Cool? – what’s it all about

S3 storage or blob storage as it is also called is offered by the hyperscalers in various flavors that basically differ in speed of access and the cost charged for the in- or egress of data as well as its storage. We can generally decide between hot, cool and archive for Microsoft Azure. This translates to Standard and Standard-IA (=infrequently accessed) with Amazon AWS. The concept behind is the same. In the following I will stick to the terminology as of Azure.

The capacity tier of the SOBR allows us to leverage either “hot” or “cool” storage tiers from the portfolio the hyperscaler offers. Both tier modes have the same access methodology (API) and the main difference is:

  • Hot: Higher storage costs (~2x compared to cool), but lower access and transaction costs, availability: 99.99% (SLA)
  • Cool: Lower storage costs, but higher access and transaction costs (~2-5x compared to hot), availability 99.9% (SLA)

A detailed overview for Azure blob storage tiers is given here: Hot, cool, and archive access tiers for blob data - Azure Storage | Microsoft Learn

Azure Pricing can be found here: Azure Storage Blobs Pricing | Microsoft Azure

Hot and cool can be switched back and forth, even with data already inside. Though a cost for the translation my apply. As already said, both can be used for the capacity tier.

So, which of them to use? Actually, from many different customer projects I can summarize: it depends. 😉

Cool is not always cheaper as it has higher costs for the transaction. With a high amount of daily changes (change rate) to your data and frequent backups it might even be, that cool leads you to higher cost than hot. In quite a lot of the cases the resulting monthly cost is even almost the same. So, the higher transaction cost for cool evens out the higher storage cost for hot. You might want to have your own PoC here as your data and workloads decide – milage may vary. Notice that cool also has a 10x lower guaranteed SLA (SLA for Storage Accounts | Microsoft Azure). This might nudge you to hot if the cost is comparable. Also, cool data should rest for at least 30 days to keep the cost low. But this should normally be the case for your capacity tier.

Veeam published a whitepaper in 2020 about cost optimization for the capacity tier for AWS. By just changing the names of the tiers it is more or less also applicable to Azure. The main concepts behind are the same: Designing and Budgeting for AWS Object Storage with Veeam


Now for something completely (?) different - the Archive tier

As with version 11 we can now also use the “archive” (for Azure - “Glacier” for AWS) access tier of Azure. But not within the capacity tier of the SOBR. Another 3rd SOBR tier is introduced. Within VBR this tier is being called “archive tier” relating to the name of the storage access tier within Azure.

Is the pricing much lower for the date in the archive store? In general, we see the same effect, but to a much higher extent now. Transaction is much more expensive now – especially for egress (restore), but storage waaaay cheaper (~10x compared to cool). If used correctly, we can save a lot of money for the long-term backup storage. Correctly here means, we should not move the data here to early – as we might still need recent backups – and we should keep it for a longer time to justify and compensate the higher cost for the ingress. So e.g., we might want to put it to archive only after 90 days in the capacity tier (hot or cool) and keep it afterwards for at least another 180 days. You might want to keep it even much longer, as the storage cost itself is very inexpensive now. You should only try to avoid to recover from it, as this will be quite expensive. Quite the right option for the long-term storage for those hopefully rare disaster recovery events. 🤞


How to get data into the archive tier

As stated, the hot and cool tiers use the same API for ingesting data. But the archive tier is different. It cannot be directly addressed from your on-premises Veeam installation. It rather needs the help of compute inside the hyperscalers stack. Fortunately, appliances (VMs) are automatically deployed by your Veeam SOBR off-loading process when needed. After the move from hot/cold to archive, those appliances immediately get removed again. The compute consumed by them, will also add to the ingress cost of course. This leads us to the general rule that you have to use the archive tier with the same hyperscaler your hot/cool tiers for the capacity tier of the SOBR are located. See the schematic diagram for an overview of tiers and data paths available.

Data paths to the archive tier in a three-tier SOBR

This concludes the second post of the series about the archive tier. Stay tuned for the following ones in which I will show how to configure the archive tier in detail on the hyperscaler side and within VBR. 😎


  • Veeam Legend, Veeam Vanguard
  • October 16, 2022

Great part 2 👍

  • Veeam Legend
  • October 17, 2022

thanks for this!

cool reading and explanations.

  • Influencer
  • October 17, 2022

Cool second part, can’t wait the 3nd and 4th part.

  • Not a newbie anymore
  • 1 comment
  • October 20, 2022

Cool blogpost. Idea of SOBR Cloud Archive is nice, but our experience with this is horrible.

  • As per recommendations, we had to setup dedicated SOBR for archive with on-prem storage as performance & cloud Azure blob as capacity/archive
  • Appliances have left unattached disks as leftovers in Azure which had a cost
  • Restore tests from archive failed. Tiering to hot Azure blob is failing for a long time now. Archival is failing because of appliance errors (generic Erorr in SSL handshake - which works when testing with curl). Seems Veeam cannot find some blocks, rescan is not helping
  • Short retention on-premise performance tier (let's call it staging) is getting bloated and now eats up pretty much the same amount of space as the archive in the cloud

Support so far did not succeed in fixing this (Case #05626336)

Did you have many clients who implemented this successfuly as offload/archival to Azure, especially with private endpoints for storage account?

Michael Melter
  • Author
  • Veeam Legend
  • October 21, 2022
crun wrote:

Cool blogpost. Idea of SOBR Cloud Archive is nice, but our experience with this is horrible.

  • As per recommendations, we had to setup dedicated SOBR for archive with on-prem storage as performance & cloud Azure blob as capacity/archive
  • Appliances have left unattached disks as leftovers in Azure which had a cost
  • Restore tests from archive failed. Tiering to hot Azure blob is failing for a long time now. Archival is failing because of appliance errors (generic Erorr in SSL handshake - which works when testing with curl). Seems Veeam cannot find some blocks, rescan is not helping
  • Short retention on-premise performance tier (let's call it staging) is getting bloated and now eats up pretty much the same amount of space as the archive in the cloud

Support so far did not succeed in fixing this (Case #05626336)

Did you have many clients who implemented this successfuly as offload/archival to Azure, especially with private endpoints for storage account?

I cannot confirm your observations: With a testing/demo and as well a few customer environments it works as expected. Proxy ressources get cleaned up properly. 

In general we try to have ~30D in the performance tier. Another 1M in the capacity tier and >1Y in the archive tier.

Restore tests work flawlessly as well. If e.g. you restore from a restore point that is only available in the archive tier, it first gets copied back to the capacity tier.

You can select two options for the speed of this backstaging process - with different cost of course.

After the backstaging has finished, e.g. FLR explorer opens to carry out the recovery.

The restore point gets deleted from the capacity tier after 1d (default, adjustable).