I want to share with you all my initial setup of a small Lab for the Veeam Data Platform
which is installing VBR + VONE + Recovery Orchestrator.
In my case, I don't have too many resources, so, for lab proposes, all three roles will be deployed in the same machine
The wizard takes care of installing the tools, just asking you the necessary things to get it done.
As you will see, installing the Orchestrator, includes the VBR and VONE.
If you haven't downloaded the Veeam data platform, please do...
This is the virtual specs for the VM where VDP is installed on my lab:

Let's follow up on the screenshots and the comments on the installation.


Here ends the installation.
Now, let's take a look into the consoles, with very high level / initial configuration:
VBR - We already know how it looks, Showing you adding a Job from a Hyper-V VM.
Initial setup with Backup config, etc...

Veeam One

Recovery Orchestrator Web

Lets add our VBR server, so Veeam One can start collecting info from it,
also, lets add from our infra our Hypervisors, to get more details and monitoring.

In the next entry, we will add an ESXI host to the Recovery Orchestrator and start setting up a recovery plan (a super simple, lab test).