Hello everyone,
Due to Im working in improving my lab a little bit, I dismatle the whole thing, and I started from Scratch,
I already posted my Windows server 2025 Installation, and now, is time to connect to those machines in a “confortable” way. (Spanish)
Also I had in the past Apache Guacamle, wich work great, but I wanted to give it a try to have more tools and experiences.
I do like HTML 5 due to the compatibility with all my devices, Macbook, PC, iPhone, Ipad, etc…
So, today, I want to show you this little tool:
FreeRDP HTML5 proxy on Windows
Im going to install it, and then to connect to my Windows machines via RDP over HTML 5, very convinient and flexible.
Lets download the msi file, then, lets trigger the installation.
