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I got a Problem when I install Katen.

I install Kasten instance by Kaster(Free) operator on the Openshift 4.12.31.

Then I got this issue.


I describe the pod and got this events.↓


This is my k10 instance yaml


This is my k10 service status 


What can I do to resolve this problem...?


@Andy.Tseng Thank you for posting your question here.

What is the storage provisioner that you are using for your PVCs ?


Cause it`s just POC, so I use nfs for my pvc.



Thanks. And would you have able to share the NFS mount options used in your NFS server.

Syscalls used by k10 databases are sometimes sensitive to sync option in NFS. I have seen issues while using `sync` mount option in NFS for k10 PVCs.

From the above screenshot, it seems all the three pods that are not getting into a ready state uses a database for K10. So I assume it has something to do with the NFS.

If you are using sync, would you be able to change it to async and then restart the pods that are not running  ?

jaiganeshjk , 

THX~~~~~ It Worksssssssssssss~

May I know Why it has to use async, not sync?




We haven’t got to the root cause of it yet. It doesn’t happen in all the cases of NFS using sync.

We have a ticket filed for it and since we are unable to reproduce the problem in our labs, its still in a triage state. 

Hello ! I am getting the similar issue. The catalog svc deployment is automatically scaled down to zero replica and when I scale it gets stuck in init phase
