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This week @Madi.Cristil and @Rick Vanover get through the recap without “technically” breaking the rules. There was a very busy special department set of news as well! Watch our recap below:


The links:


Special Department News:

Who’s New +82!

A big welcome to the 82 new members in the Veeam Community Hub this week! Coolest new username award goes to @zerodefekt!

Welcome all new members!

@haozhang @cootraim @zerodefekt @3DV @k.ishmukhambetov @Avejaruco @Marcus_A @Rajni V 
@hkfoolman @rnrconsultants @philmee95 @FloSal @BradGISD @PointeBlankTech @Vincenzo_Bua 
@Birgit @Vinay @Artiom @JaiswalPankaj @tdhanu2000 @St-Marys-Purton @kkerr @thejcdc @AranFurkan 
@Petrisor.G @Magnolia22 @AmanSarraf @SV1230 @TySteffan @Mhughes integrated @David Dalgarno 
@Belkacem BEKKARI @AaronJongbloedt @Rildo Bisarria @ah.edwan @Yakoob @Lawrie @hasan.bozok @DanielFS @davidm73 @Achmed @WernerV @schnapsidee @Harish KM @Suntiexuan @david.tosoff 
@jsuh @rhyshammond @lowerThanLife @AS_Infrastructure @oguzakalin @tinto.1970 @eVision 
@cgomez @orazio.spina @AhmetAlagöz @Burak Basturk @emin.isik @ahmet.kosuklu @salih.yorukoglu 
@Onur Yalcinkaya @onguvercin @hpense @MustafaYilmaz34 @oakkas @caner vural @ozguvercin 
@cagatayyaman @team emira @Yeng @Tolga @paule123 @Skocaman @Halil - Eclit @Ekrem Mutlu 
@interface @Catty @emiraslan34 @neslihan.kozakoglu @Jeremias.bermudez @Cihat @Fatih Senturk 

Happy Friday, awesome recap as always, thanks for the link to my post! And congrats to all those mentioned in the recap 😁

Cheers, Michael and thank you for all you do!

Happy Friday, awesome recap as always, thanks for the link to my post! And congrats to all those mentioned in the recap 😁

@Rick Vanover I was wondering how long until Oktoberfest the other day as well, but I think we have to get a bit closer to September.  Glad I was able to lead into your Object Storage information as well!

Another great recap 👏 Have a nice weekend everyone!

I am really very happy to be able to watch this RECAP today! Many thanks to @Rick Vanover and @Madi.Cristil for this excellent piece. Congrats to everyone mentioned and @vNote42 , I am also waiting to see how this will work eventually considering the VBR is recommended to be placed outside the Domain. 

Chris - what do you think of the new format of the text? More in the text vs “HAVE” to watch the video? Also - we have a FR into the platform to do the “Whos’ New” tagging better too! #Innovate 

I am really very happy to be able to watch this RECAP today! Many thanks to @Rick Vanover and @Madi.Cristil for this excellent piece. Congrats to everyone mentioned and @vNote42 , I am also waiting to see how this will work eventually considering the VBR is recommended to be placed outside the Domain. 

Chris - what do you think of the new format of the text? More in the text vs “HAVE” to watch the video? Also - we have a FR into the platform to do the “Whos’ New” tagging better too! #Innovate 

Hello Chris, I prefer the “HAVE” to watch the video? This drills down the write up and getting to see you and @Madi.Cristil speak on topics makes the RECAP very exciting. 

> we have a FR into the platform to do the “Whos’ New” tagging better too! #Innovate 

Yes, this might challenge others to join and want to be mentioned as well. It is a welcome development (innovative) :-) 

Really great recap and honored to be mentioned.  Congrats to all mentions as well as the new folks that have joined.

I am really very happy to be able to watch this RECAP today! Many thanks to @Rick Vanover and @Madi.Cristil for this excellent piece. Congrats to everyone mentioned and @vNote42 , I am also waiting to see how this will work eventually considering the VBR is recommended to be placed outside the Domain. 

I am really very happy to be able to watch this RECAP today! Many thanks to @Rick Vanover and @Madi.Cristil for this excellent piece. Congrats to everyone mentioned and @vNote42 , I am also waiting to see how this will work eventually considering the VBR is recommended to be placed outside the Domain. 

That's a very nice message in here, @Iams3le ! Thank you!😊

I am really very happy to be able to watch this RECAP today! Many thanks to @Rick Vanover and @Madi.Cristil for this excellent piece. Congrats to everyone mentioned and @vNote42 , I am also waiting to see how this will work eventually considering the VBR is recommended to be placed outside the Domain. 

That's a very nice message in here, @Iams3le ! Thank you!😊

You are welcome

Happy Friday to all. Good Recap. Welcome to all the new members !

Nice recap, congrats for all mentions.

Have a nice weekend dudes!

I was considering how long until Oktoberfest a day or two ago too, yet I think we need to draw a piece nearer to September. Happy I had the option to lead into your Article Stockpiling data also!
