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What is the Kubernetes Korner and what should it become?

The Korner is a place where you can start your Kubernetes Journey.

Veeam understood correctly that a huge group of IT specialists will need to get familiar with Kubernetes at an accelerate time frame because the demand for specialists will grow exponentially. However, this is much easier said than done given the fact that many people are working a full-time job and perhaps still believe that they have not yet achieved enough expertise in existing technologies that they are working with.

The Kubernetes Korner will help everyone overcome these difficulties and learn together.


What can you do at the Kubernetes Korner?


  1. Do the daily Kube Task, a brief Kubernetes task in an environment that we help you setup
  2. Ask any question you may have
  3. Create posts.
  4. Watch out for special events and meetings that are Cloud Native related
  5. Think of any ideas for the Kube Korner, this is your Korner too!


We are all on this learning path together and our joint efforts will result in everyone’s common success!!


Userlevel 7
Badge +22



I’ve been enjoying watching the Kubernetes Korner content as I’ve had time, I’ve been far to busy to be able to dive into Kubernetes beyond key concepts but I’m looking forward to working through a backlog of Kube Tasks when the time comes. It’s like box set binge watching 😁

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

The Korner is a place where you can start your Kubernetes Journey.

Veeam understood correctly that a huge group of IT specialists will need to get familiar with Kubernetes at an accelerate time frame because the demand for specialists will grow exponentially. However, this is much easier said than done given the fact that many people are working a full-time job and perhaps still believe that they have not yet achieved enough expertise in existing technologies that they are working with.

The Kubernetes Korner will help everyone overcome these difficulties and learn together.


What can you do at the Kubernetes Korner?


  1. Do the daily Kube Task, a brief Kubernetes task in an environment that we help you setup
  2. Ask any question you may have
  3. Create posts.
  4. Watch out for special events and meetings that are Cloud Native related
  5. Think of any ideas for the Kube Korner, this is your Korner too!


We are all on this learning path together and our joint efforts will result in everyone’s common success!!

Awesome article, @Geoff Burke ! Thank you for writing it!

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

I am the same as Michael as no time to do anything Kubernetes related but hope to get there using this space as one good resource to learn.  It has been great so far watching posts, etc. there.

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Yes, I think time is an issue for most of us. 🤔

But I like the kubernets and container topics very much. I think this is a very inzeresting concept.

And I try to keep up with all the content here 😂
