Veeam Weekly Recap #160

Hyper-V, Oracle Linux KVM and Cybersecurity

Hyper-V, Oracle Linux KVM and Cybersecurity
Userlevel 7
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This week, I am joined by two special guests , @safiya  and @Andrew.Zhelezko  and we are discussing on Hyper-V 2025 updates , support for Oracle Linux KVM and data protection solutions from ransomware attacks. Don't miss out on the special department news with Safiya! Welcome to all our new members! 😊


The Links: 

via @johan.h 

Looking forward to Hyper-V 2025

via @Matt Crape 

Announcing Support for Oracle Linux KVM!

via @JMeixner 

Data Backup Basics XII: Safeguarding Backup Systems Against Ransomware Threats

via @dips 

Keeping Updated with Cyber Security News


Special Department News ( via @safiya ): 

VUG Spain in person event April 16th  shoutout to @HunterLAFR 

VUG USA Houston in person event April 16th  shoutout to @JonahMay , Tom May , @ertelle1 

UK Veeam User Group - April 17 Virtual Event shoutout to @Cragdoo , @Ian Sanderson , @MicoolPaul , @Rin , @michaelcade 

Veeam User Group Finland – 2024 Meetup shoutout to @MikkoVanttinen , @Ville 

Blog of the Month March 2024 Winner congratulations @MarcoLuvisi 


Welcome to all new members and congratulations @tastyratz for Alfred's pick!😊 You are the lucky one that gets a badge this week!




Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Really great recap this week with the new Hyper-V 2025 and Oracle KVM stuff.  Looking forward to testing these out.

Congratulations to all those mentioned and the great content as usual.  Welcome all new members to this great community.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Great Recap guys. Nice to see AZ on it today. Welcome @Andrew.Zhelezko !

A lotta great content this wk, especially in/around Linux vulnerability.

If you’re in/near any of the mentioned VUGs going on soon, I highly recommend attending.

Welcome new Community members...hope everyone has a great weekend!

Userlevel 7
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Thanks @safiya and @Madi.Cristil  for mension on this recap !
it’s my pleasure partecipate on World VUG !
See you !!!
