Weekly Recap #159

Community Recap: Scripts, Certifications and Stories for World Backup Day 2024

Community Recap: Scripts, Certifications and Stories for World Backup Day 2024
Userlevel 7
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This week @Rick Vanover and Madi are up for the 159th episode of the recap, just before World Backup Day. Solid content to share this week with Special Department news and Who's New!


The Links: 

via ​​​​@MicoolPaul 

World Backup Day 2024: SLAs & Exceeding Them!

via @CarySun 

How to Migrate a Physical Machine to Hyper-V Cluster VM-P2V

via @jcolonfzenpr 

AsBuiltReport for Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365


Special Department News: 

New Thematic Groups: VMCE and VMCA ( @coolsport00 and @Geoff Burke )

Kubernetes Korner event : 90 Days of Devops with Michael Cade ( @Geoff Burke  and @michaelcade ) 

VOTE! Blog of the Month March 2024 

Veeam 100 Show with @MicoolPaul , @SteveHeart 

Gainsight Webinar with @Madi.Cristil and @safiya  Unlocking Peer-to-Peer Engagement

Welcome to our new members! 😊


Userlevel 7
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Really great recap this week with some amazing content. Congrats to everyone mentioned and welcome to the community all new members.

Enjoy the Easter long weekend everyone.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Enjoyed the Recap. Some great posts this week, especially with all the WBD posts. Good luck to all those in the BotM. 🙏🏻

Congrats on the speaking invites Madi/Safiya. You guys will rock it for sure.

I'm really excited for the new thematic groups! I hope they take off. 🙌🏻

Welcome to all the new Community members. 

Hope everyone has a great Easter weekend! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

thanks for the recap.

It's always great to check it out and share it over social media.

Cool stuff coming up!

cheers everyone.
