I‘m looking forward to the secure Linux Repo.
This implementation is so simple and easy todo, it‘s my top 1 Feature :-)
second best thing is the localized enterprise manager. I have two customers who have access to the enterprise manager self service portal. For them, native german is better than english :-)
To me, the most wanted feature is bringing immutability to primary repositories with Linux XFS. And doing it so by democratizing the feature, meaning everyone can get it. Do you have:
- A Physical Server with Direct-Attach disk? Great, format it with Linux and create an XFS volume to start.
- Air-Gap? Okay, what about a RPi 4 8GB with some attached disks to it, format them as XFS and start as well.
- A VM where you present an iSCSI from, for example QNAP or similar? Great, format it with Linux and create an XFS volume to start.
- A VM where you are presenting NFS to the ESXi, and giving block disk to the VM? Great, format it with Linux and create an XFS volume to start.
- Hopefully we will start seeing the like ExaGrid, and others presenting an XFS volume as well? Great, so not DIY solution, but still immutable.
The options are endless, and we will start seeing the use of this functionality more and more. And of course, while keeping the Capacity Tier to COPY or MOVE to Immutable Object Storage. :)
The options are endless, and we will start seeing the use of this functionality more and more. And of course, while keeping the Capacity Tier to COPY or MOVE to Immutable Object Storage. :)
Great times ahead of us, thank you Veeam :-)
I was blown away by the innovation of every little V11 update during the Veeam internal tech training, I really think that almost all V11 features are going to be super favourites.
Definitely excited about Linux repository immutability, Veeam CDP, and the Veeam Agent for Mac. These are my top 3 picks.
For me,
3° place: CDP (preparing to implement in a production customer soon),
2° Linux Inmutable sounds awesome for my customers(they used to phishing
1° Support for Google Cloud, already implemented in Azure and AWS, Google will be my next step on Cloud environments, excited to deploy as soon as possible!
Two words: PowerShell Modules
For me personally the powershell\API support sounds great.
For some of my customers the persistent guest agent, the need to autodeploy the agent has put Veeam on the tipping point for them earlier.
When it comes to automatically tune the jobs with multiple vSphere tags, for this I hope that it is possible to select by NOT, OR and AND at least.
From my point of view:
- Linux Immutable with XFS repository
In times of ransomware this is a top-feature! You can operate a immutable repository without the need for a S3 storage. - CDP
I am interested if this will change customers mindset for synchronous/asynchronous storage replication. - Tape
A lot of customers operate tape libraries. I hope v11 will simplify tape-backups 
I like the enhancements and new features which are coming for Linux. If we get a Linux tape server in the future we could replace those windows physical servers completely.
- My POV:
Linux repo XFS immutable
linux LFR no more needed
Curious to test CDP - DBA pov:
IR Oracle / MSSQL - Still waiting more ansible/terraform supported cauz i love IAC. Linux proxy fonctionnality provides to us opportunity to deploy ephemeral proxy on the fly during backup windows to provide more power.
I like <redacted> and <redacted> ...but the best is still to come ...<redacted> :)
ok joking aside ….. REST API is deffo my favourite
CDP and hopefully some of the small tape hiccups ironed out. Already using Veeam for Tape in test and so far it’s great.
I’m looking forward to the Veeam ONE side of all these great B&R features!
CDP and Immutable Object Storage for me! but V11 has so many amazing updates it’s a tough one!
Good things are much better when they continue endlessly. CDP is my pick.
I think Veeam Live was effective primarily in re-iterating Veeam’s vision in the market. Three things put me there:
- Fresh off the Kasten acquisition, this is a good direction for us for K8s application capabilities right for the platform. This has a very bright future!
- Google Cloud support, reminds me a lot of when we supported Hyper-V, it was the right time for the next hypervisor - this is the right time for the next cloud.
- Rocking the Platform: The upcoming releases of Veeam Backup & Replication v11, Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365, Veeam Backup for AWS, Veeam Backup for AWS, Veeam Availability Orchestrator (goodness coming there!), the Agents and Veeam ONE. WOW
My favorites are:
- the secure Linux repository
- Linux FLR without the FLR applicance
Best regards,
Whoa - being highlighted as the answer is INTENSE!
Whoa - being highlighted as the answer is INTENSE!
Considering we were watching you I felt it was an important highlight to make, though granted there’s no right/wrong here, it was a great summary all the same!
Did anyone else not hear about Tape Cloning until Gostev’s R&D email this week?