HI @reinht . Can you provide more specific details? What are you backing up? What Veeam product are you using?...the Agent? What are you trying to restore?
it’s a physical Microsoft Windows server which is backuped on a RDX drive. Everything is fine apart restoring the complete server. File recovery is working.
Unfortunately, I’m not able to restore the complete server because of the previous mentioned error.
Does it has to do with credentials? I’m not allowed (disabled) to make any changes at the credentials of the managed server.
Yes, that could very well be the issue. But, I'm curious about the "security package" error. 
Do you know how to change the credentials of a physical Windows server. The dropdown is disabled!
I’ve already deleted all jobs which concerns the server but the credentials are still disabled.
Possibly. Could you provide a screenshot of where you’re looking to modify permissions? Sorry about the late response...I’m in & out this afternoon.
I’m just reinstalling VEEAM 12. Will see what’s coming up.
Unfortunately, the same result:-(
Not all that surprising when dealing with what seems to be permissions. Give a screenshot of where you’re having an issue, permissions-wise, on the server.