VMCE VMCA Study Group coming soon at a Veeam Hub near you!

Userlevel 7
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Hi Everyone,

Just an update. The Study group is coming soon! Don’t be tempted to buy any practice exams 😁! 

Again the study group won’t provide any answers, it will do much better, it will provide the means to get to the answers. Those same means and methods can then be used in real life production situations to solve problems. At the end of the day that is what we all want apart from the shinny certificate!



Userlevel 7
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Question to recent VMCA exam takers: The exam is still based on V11 ? I’ve checked Rasmus’ videos and he was talking about the unability to backup direct to object storage. True… until V12. This makes it quite hard to study for the exam based on V12 helpcenter and day to day experience….

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @kristofpoppe - v12 is available..as is v11, according to Veeam’s cert site:


Userlevel 7
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Thanks @coolsport00, I have to check my susbscription then at Global Knowledge to see for what I subscribed.

Userlevel 7
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No problem. I want to try and get mine upgraded at some point this yr myself.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

You can definitely book the v12 VMCA exam as I was about to then asked about vouchers or discounts so waiting on that before dropping $300 US.  😋

Userlevel 1

The VMCA v12 exam is available, I passed the exam yesterday. Time management during the exam was key in my case.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

The VMCA v12 exam is available, I passed the exam yesterday. Time management during the exam was key in my case.

How did you find this one compared to the v11 one where you had a case study?  I heard this one does not have that?

Userlevel 1

I usually enjoy the Veeam exam experiences, for the most part because I like to be challenged when I put effort in the preparations for an exam. This one was no different, I was enjoying the questions, until after 60 minutes I realized I only made 30% progress. I had to rush through the rest of the exam, which makes the experience a little less pleasant. With only 30 seconds on the clock, I finished the last question. No time left for review. Nevertheless, the Veeam exams are still the best in their field.
Not sure if I can comment on the lack of case studies. Honestly, I did not fully read the NDA before taking the exam… 

Userlevel 7
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I hope to write mine this year. Need to get some study time. My hands on experience is fantastic. I don’t think there is an option or feature I haven't tried or used, but we all know how that relates to a test if you don’t study 😂

Userlevel 6
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I will be in when the group start !
