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I’ll try and post a little pop quiz question each day, hope to hear from many of you. Did you know the answer? Did you look it up in the documentation? Did you try it in a lab? Please share some details along with your answer.

Can the Veeam Explorer for Active Directory restore records in the Reverse Lookup Zones?

Nice @haslund , I like that. Yes you can I think, when activating the advanced features in the application restore wizard.

Yes, the explorer can restore records in the reverse lookup zone.

I had to lookup this some time ago, because our AD admin asked this.

@haslund , forget to add : I had to check it in a VBR, because I never had to restore such a record in the past ;-)

@haslund yes it can. I did a blog post regarding all the new features of v11 and the required license to achieve these and I remember seeing the difference between standard & enterprise for AD/Exchange/SQL Server/SharePoint and summarised it to myself as, if it’s a Ronseal restore (does what it says on the tin and nothing more) then it’s gonna be covered by standard, if it’s an advanced restore, it’s gonna be Enterprise or above licensed.


Which I think is a good note to add here, You can restore a single user/computer account in any edition, but for the specific restore you’re talking about, Enterprise or above licensing (or VUL) is required. :grin:

Nice comment @MicoolPaul , perfectly explained and clear! Nice ;-)

Nice comment @MicoolPaul , perfectly explained and clear! Nice ;-)

Thanks :grin:

Yes it can as I have had to use it for this specific purpose.

@haslund this is a great idea and maybe you can test some of your new practice questions for the VMCE2021 here too but in another thread.  Might help those studying for the exam.  Maybe even a section like what Rick did for the v11 Upgrade.

Thank you for sharing @haslund !! As others have shared, I guess it can. Though documentation, from what I looked up doesn’t “explicitly” state so. If anyone has detailed statement saying AD Explorer can restore *reverse lookup* records, I’m open to receive it. Only thing I saw in the AD Explorer section of documentation is (see here):

  • Restore of Group Policy objectsAD-integrated DNS records and objects from the Configuration partition is supported in the Enterprise and Enterprise Plus editions only.

...which mirrors what Micoopaul stated I guess. But again, there’s no explicit statement of such. And those are the kind of exam questions, Veeam or otherwise, I do not like. I like “explicit” answer exam questions. In other words, questions where the answer is definitively stated in documentation somewhere. Maybe it’s ok to have some (few) questions like these to show the power of a product function, where not each and every capability can be shared in documentation, but I’m still not a fan of questions like these. And maybe it’s time Veeam expand out its User Guide to now have one for just Explorers so they *can* be more detailed in their capabilities. I personally thought that was needed (expanded Guides) since the v9 days. Thoughts?


Yeah the statement from the documentation does indicate AD-integrated DNS records which assumes “Reverse DNS”  zones too.  It is not definitive but is included in here.

I guess interpretation is the thing here for this question with the documentation and as stated it could be improved like mentioned.

Direct questions are nice but that is not how the exam is done as we know. :grinning:

Well, don’t get me wrong...most questions are done that way. Apologies for any misinterpretation in my statement as such. I guess those types of questions are ok, as long as they’re few & far between 😂

Well, don’t get me wrong...most questions are done that way. Apologies for any misinterpretation in my statement as such. I guess those types of questions are ok, as long as they’re few & far between 😂

Agreed :joy:

Great Initiative! I like your Twitter-Questions as well! … when comes the next? :sunglasses:

I've never used it but yes there's the possibility to restore reverse DNS zones.

@MicoolPaul That's another reason to never go with the light, I mean Standard, Edition 😄


Maybe it’s time Veeam expand out its User Guide to now have one for just Explorers so they *can* be more detailed in their capabilities.

You are completely right! The good news? We already created a dedicated Explorers user guide and it is right here:

Thank you all for participating in todays pop quiz :grinning: I promise I’ll try to post some more on a regular basis. Love to hear from you!

Maybe it’s time Veeam expand out its User Guide to now have one for just Explorers so they *can* be more detailed in their capabilities.

You are completely right! The good news? We already created a dedicated Explorers user guide and it is right here:

WoOHoo! 😁

Maybe it’s time Veeam expand out its User Guide to now have one for just Explorers so they *can* be more detailed in their capabilities.

You are completely right! The good news? We already created a dedicated Explorers user guide and it is right here:

Thanks for sharing this.  Nice to see the documentation evolving. :grin:

If I only woulda done just a “weeeee” bit more “configuring” what docs to view in the site, I woulda nailed those down. Love PDF versions better myself. Tend to be easier to navigate (for me) and generally better search capability. See them here.


If I only woulda done just a “weeeee” bit more “configuring” what docs to view in the site, I woulda nailed those down. Love PDF versions better myself. Tend to be easier to navigate (for me) and generally better search capability. See them here.


Nice!  PDF is always good for offline. 

I tried in lab now: 


I tried in lab now: 


So much secrecy happening here :)

I tried in lab now: 


So much secrecy happening here :)

security starts with screenshot reduction :joy:

I tried in lab now: 


So much secrecy happening here :)

security starts with screenshot reduction :joy:

We already know that @vNote42 runs Contoso really 😂

I tried in lab now: 


So much secrecy happening here :)

security starts with screenshot reduction :joy:

We already know that @vNote42 runs Contoso really 😂

Caught … don’t tell my boss

