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This person and many others on youtube installed the veeam sql plugin and after installation, the plugin is fully integrated in the ssms gui. I am running similar ssms versions and after veeam sql plugin install, the plugin icons are scattered on desktop. I am running Veeam VBR 12.1

Could you kindly explain why this is so?


Hi ​@SysEng -

Someone posted a question on the Plugin a few days ago and this was an “issue” they shared was having as well. According to the Guide’s Sys Req’s, you must be running SMSS v19.x. I don’t believe newer SMSS versions work with the Plugin icon in SMSS.

This was the other thread with the plugin issue -


Hi ​@SysEng -

Someone posted a question on the Plugin a few days ago and this was an “issue” they shared was having as well. According to the Guide’s Sys Req’s, you must be running SMSS v19.x. I don’t believe newer SMSS versions work with the Plugin icon in SMSS.

Interesting, because if u you look on this youtube video below is running SQL Server version 15 as shown in the SSMS gui. This must be misleading, a trick or something strangely unknown. I installed the same 15.0 version and nothing. So not sure……...

Any ideas team or just call this a mystery?

Any ideas team or just call this a mystery?

Consider it a mystery as it must be misleading.

You can either contact Support/Forums to confirm or maybe even try to contact the Technical Writers. There is a link at the bottom of the User Guide site to do so. 
