Yes taking the transit in Prague was great. Might look in to this for Miami just not sure the family will want to. 
Yes, it is interesting in every city to explore the local transports, restaurants and pubs. It gets you an more authentic view at the life there than visiting the tourist hotspots only.
I was glad to be able to go on a walk with some of the Vanguards at the first day in Prague. 

It would be great to visit around, and spend some time with all of you guys!

Yes, it is interesting in every city to explore the local transports, restaurants and pubs. It gets you an more authentic view at the life there than visiting the tourist hotspots only.
I was glad to be able to go on a walk with some of the Vanguards at the first day in Prague. 

It was amazing to me that folks wanted to take a bus in Prague when you could walk. So much to take in!
Looks like route is to take the MIA Mover to Airport Station and take Bus Route 150 Miami Beach Airport Express to get within a 7 minute walk of the hotel. Seems easy enough. Bus ride should be about 35 minutes (plus the walk) according to google. Appears that a typical car ride is 25-30 minutes, so honestly, not a lot longer….,+2100+NW+42nd+Ave,+Miami,+FL+33142/Fontainebleau+Miami+Beach,+4441+Collins+Ave,+Miami+Beach,+FL+33140/@25.8063989,-80.2747896,12z/am=t/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x88d9b74d4eb94ac1:0x989fdae0cba2f8e1!2m2!1d-80.2870509!2d25.7958723!1m5!1m1!1s0x88d9b31569f5d16b:0xd8c0a47b7c602256!2m2!1d-80.1227119!2d25.8178372!3e3
Very Cool!
I may still Uber after my flight but this is a pretty inexpensive direct way as well.
I can recommend the bus. #150. I did this for VeeamOn 2019 and plan on doing it again this year.
It’s a 5 minute walk from the bus stop to the hotel, but in the hot-humid South Florida climate it seems a lot longer.
For getting around Miami Beach, there’s a free trolley bus system. Very convenient!
This looks like it could be fun too. Maybe not from the airport but to explore near the hotel.
This looks like it could be fun too. Maybe not from the airport but to explore near the hotel.
Why not
, we are on the same flight we could race :)
Chris could ferry our luggage to the hotel for us, we would give a good tip $$$ of course :)
This looks like it could be fun too. Maybe not from the airport but to explore near the hotel.
Why not
, we are on the same flight we could race :)
My bike courier days were long, long ago...
I can recommend the bus. #150. I did this for VeeamOn 2019 and plan on doing it again this year.
It’s a 5 minute walk from the bus stop to the hotel, but in the hot-humid South Florida climate it seems a lot longer.
For getting around Miami Beach, there’s a free trolley bus system. Very convenient!
Thx @RonV , nice to know!
Cool Nico. I remember taking that free bus. I also remember 2019 VeeamON after the Veeam Canada boat cruise and subsequent South Beach bar hop actually walking all the way back on auto pilot
. Now that I drink only pop and juice that is a think of the past. Welcome to the all New Improved “Behaved Burke”. It took a few decades but we made it to leading a wholesome lifestyle :)