Soo…. VBO hard to install ? Or you never had the chance to play around with Wasabi object storage? Or you have some internships at the office that have a O365-like-assignment? Some students that suddenly asked you to play around with our tool? Or a client (who has no time as usual) still wants a POC to play around himself… But in real live he/she will never even manage to install it….
For the above use-cases i’ve added VBO from-scratch install to a fully functional configurated instance. Redo the steps and you’ve got VBO up and running in less than 15min before the first job kicks in.
feel free to use:
Next steps (pending when I have some spare time): restores off course :-)
( PS: yes my veeam-sales can now officially configure a backup-job )
edit: wasn’t supposed to be a “question” but “content”...oeps...