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 VeeamBackup&Replication_11.0.1.1261_20220302 installation failure

  • 14 September 2023

Hi Team,


Needed your help on this, Am trying to install Veeam VeeamBackup&Replication_11.0.1.1261_20220302 and getting below error. Setup logs does not mention anything.







Userlevel 7
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Hi @Arun Das 

Is there anything in the Windows Application Event Logs?


Userlevel 5
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No, I do not see anything in the application logs.



Userlevel 5
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There are a lot of “Windows Error Reporting” events with ID 1001, this indicates a possible issue with your antivirus software.

Please have a look at this KB article and see if it helps.

Userlevel 5
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Hi MattM,


Thank you for the update, I will look at the article, would also check if antivirus software is blocking Veeam.

Userlevel 7
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@Arun Das - is this an initial install on a new server or reinstall? You're not using SCCM to do the install are you? I noticed you're using the Trace Tool is why I ask. 

Userlevel 7
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Also, what server OS are you attempting install? 

Userlevel 5
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Hi coolsport00,


This is a Reinstall from version 9.5 to 11a and not using SCCM for install.

OS version is windows 19.

Userlevel 7
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Before you can upgrade, you must be on the correct patch for 9.5. See the Veeam KB on upgrade paths for more info. 

Userlevel 5
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Hi coolsport00,

I have uninstalled Veeam 9.5 U4 completely and installed Veeam Upgrade was not an option as I did not had an active license.


Userlevel 7
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Ok, I see. There is another who posted a couple days ago attempting to do the same thing....uninstall Veeam then install a newer version & getting errors. As I'm checking that post... I notice it was you. Did you contact support for assistance? Can you just reformat your server & reinstall the OS & attempt a fresh Veeam install? 

Userlevel 5
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Hi coolsport00,


Yes, that was a similar case but different issue and error. I did open a case with Veeam awaiting update for this, so thought would also check on the Community if someone else faced the same issue.

Userlevel 7
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Ok. Also, is there a reason why you’re not installing v12? Since you’ve uninstalled the previous version, upgrade paths don’t matter. You can just install the latest Veeam version.

Also, is there a reason why rebuilding your server isn’t an option? If you’re like me, I understand wanting to get a resolution for the error...I’m that way...but after so much troubleshooting without resolution, there comes a time to just bite the bullet, let go of troubleshooting efforts, and start from scratch.

Userlevel 7
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I presume that something of the old installation are causing this. Why don’t you install Veeam on a new server with a new installation of Windows? How @coolsport00 sayed maybe v12 is a better option.


Userlevel 7
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Hi coolsport00,

I have uninstalled Veeam 9.5 U4 completely and installed Veeam Upgrade was not an option as I did not had an active license.


You may also need to uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable and / or upgrade to newer versions, together with .NET Framework.

I’d start with building a new server if the one you are installing on is no longer needed

Userlevel 5
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Hi dips,

Thank you will try this.

Userlevel 7
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@Arun Das - is this an initial install on a new server or reinstall? You're not using SCCM to do the install are you? I noticed you're using the Trace Tool is why I ask. 

Despite created for analysing SCCM logs, you can actually use it in viewing logs from other sources. I use it in viewing MDT logs as well.
