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Hi all,

One of my customer has following requirements.

customer plan to replicate from dc to dr. after replication from dc to dc customer wants to failover the replication job. customer failover the replication job and at this time the Veeam backup and replication server is goes down. in this case how can customer failback the replication job?

what will be the solution in this case? how can we plan to overcome this? 

thank you

The only way I know of to do this cleanly is to make sure to take a Config DB backup after failover. Then, in the event the VBR server goes down, you could recover it by restoring the config DB. 

The only way I know of to do this cleanly is to make sure to take a Config DB backup after failover. Then, in the event the VBR server goes down, you could recover it by restoring the config DB. 

Thanks for your reply,

is it possible by using Recovery Orchestrator?

Having both a configuration backup and a standby VBR server in the DR site is the best option this way if the Production site goes down you can restore to the DR site to control things.  Otherwise you need to wait until the main VBR server is back up and running.

The only way I know of to do this cleanly is to make sure to take a Config DB backup after failover. Then, in the event the VBR server goes down, you could recover it by restoring the config DB. 

Thanks for your reply,

is it possible by using Recovery Orchestrator?

You still need the VBR server in this scenario as well so if down how do you control things.

Having both a configuration backup and a standby VBR server in the DR site is the best option this way if the Production site goes down you can restore to the DR site to control things.  Otherwise you need to wait until the main VBR server is back up and running.

can you please tell me some details?

If I configure two VBR in DC and DR site how can data will be sync? Means if DC goes down then how can DR VBR got the DC VBR configuration data?

The only way I know of to do this cleanly is to make sure to take a Config DB backup after failover. Then, in the event the VBR server goes down, you could recover it by restoring the config DB. 

Thanks for your reply,

is it possible by using Recovery Orchestrator?

You still need the VBR server in this scenario as well so if down how do you control things.

yes, orchestrator has a VBR. if we go with orchestrator VBR then problem will be solved ?

Having both a configuration backup and a standby VBR server in the DR site is the best option this way if the Production site goes down you can restore to the DR site to control things.  Otherwise you need to wait until the main VBR server is back up and running.

can you please tell me some details?

If I configure two VBR in DC and DR site how can data will be sync? Means if DC goes down then how can DR VBR got the DC VBR configuration data?

That is where you need the configuration backup to restore to the DR side if DC goes down. That is how it would be done. There is no sync feature.

The only way I know of to do this cleanly is to make sure to take a Config DB backup after failover. Then, in the event the VBR server goes down, you could recover it by restoring the config DB. 

Thanks for your reply,

is it possible by using Recovery Orchestrator?

You still need the VBR server in this scenario as well so if down how do you control things.

yes, orchestrator has a VBR. if we go with orchestrator VBR then problem will be solved ?

Not really as it still needs the information from DC VBR server.  I have not used VRO much as yet so cannot say for sure.

Whether you recover the VBR server at DC1 or have one "ready" at DR, you still have to restore with a current config backup. 

I don't think VRO matters, as it's just a tool to automate Replication. You still need VBR. 

Whether you recover the VBR server at DC1 or have one "ready" at DR, you still have to restore with a current config backup. 

I don't think VRO matters, as it's just a tool to automate Replication. You still need VBR. 

can you please clear me one thing?

If I configure One VBR in DC and another VBR in DR site, DC VBR is now production and DR VBR is stand by, so if  DC VBR goes down how can I recover the VBR from DR Standby VBR?

You would restore the config DB backup you created after you failed over. 

You would restore the config DB backup you created after you failed over. 

can you please tell me something about the Orchestrator?

Hi @Shaokat -

I can't share much about VRO. If you have a specific question about it, we just created a "group" just for VRO here in the Community Hub. 

You would restore the config DB backup you created after you failed over. 

can you please tell me something about the Orchestrator?

The orchestrator as mentioned just has a light install of VBR. You still need the full one at DR site to restore configuration backup to!

You would restore the config DB backup you created after you failed over. 

can you please tell me something about the Orchestrator?

Any questions about VRO post them here as this is the new group -


So, for replica failover specifically, if VBR is down, you can manually snapshot and power on the replicas in the DR Site. BUT, if you do this then veeam won’t be aware and won’t be able to failback the replicas. You would then need to create new replication jobs once VBR is back and replicate back to prod DC again.

Generally, I try to build the Veeam B&R Server in the DR site, so that if production is down, VBR is still up and ready to go. If I really need, I will replicate the VBR server (assuming it’s a VM) back to production so worst case if there is a long-term issue with the DR site, I can turn on the replica of VBR in Production and resume backups.

As for VRO, yes it comes with VeeamOne and VBR as part of the install, but you shouldn’t use these directly, they’re for VRO’s backend. 
VRO will just manage your prod VBR jobs at failover and restore time, so it still needs the VBR server to be available, and so again, I generally would put both VBR and VRO in the DR site.

In a previous deployment, we intalled two VBR servers, 
the one in the PROD site took care of the Backup tasks, and the one in the DR site took responsability of the replicas.

Also the prod VBR was replicated into the replica site, and the DR backed up in the PROD.

so we were able to recover for any scenario or failure, 
and from the DR VBR we were also able to recover a vm or file if needed.


In a previous deployment, we intalled two VBR servers, 
the one in the PROD site took care of the Backup tasks, and the one in the DR site took responsability of the replicas.

Also the prod VBR was replicated into the replica site, and the DR backed up in the PROD.

so we were able to recover for any scenario or failure, 
and from the DR VBR we were also able to recover a vm or file if needed.


so if I understand your solution correctly, you are using two VBR one for PROD and one for the DR. 

 You configure Backup and replication job in PROD VBR and DR VBR. can i know are you create backup job and replication job for a single VM/VMs in both side?


@Shaokat -

What I personally do is run just backup and backup copy jobs on my “DC1” VBR server, then I have a 2nd VBR server at DR and use it to run just Replication jobs. If my DC1 goes big deal. I use VBR in DR side to run failover tasks. When DC1 comes back online, I failback to DC1 from 2nd (DR side) VBR. All good. 

In a previous deployment, we intalled two VBR servers, 
the one in the PROD site took care of the Backup tasks, and the one in the DR site took responsability of the replicas.

Also the prod VBR was replicated into the replica site, and the DR backed up in the PROD.

so we were able to recover for any scenario or failure, 
and from the DR VBR we were also able to recover a vm or file if needed.


so if I understand your solution correctly, you are using two VBR one for PROD and one for the DR. 

 You configure Backup and replication job in PROD VBR and DR VBR. can i know are you create backup job and replication job for a single VM/VMs in both side?



exactly, two VBR SERVERS.

The one in prod DC handles backup tasks, the one in the DR DC handles replica tasks.


I’m in the middle of rebuilding my environment right now.  Until earlier this week, my VBR server was running at the primary site with proxy’s running at all locations.  Now my VBR server is running at the recovery site, still with proxy’s of course to handle the backups, copy jobs and replication jobs.  I currently run the vCenter at the primary site with it connected to all locations, but my plan is to build a second vCenter at the recovery site to mange the hosts there, and then connect the original vCenter and the new vCenter using Enhanced Linked Mode to that each vCenter can see and manage the entire environment and I’m then able to deploy Recovery Orchestrator at the secondary site to mange failover, etc.  It may not be a one-size fit’s all solution, but that’s how I’m architecting mine.
