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Hey guys,

Are there any internal components in veeam software for NAS repository?

I recently faced an error in customer environment where the backup copy job resulted in an error saying “Can’t call Remote Procedure Call for NfsIsExist “

The repository was in unavailable state. So it showed can’t connect to target repository.

Hi @Anandu, you need a gateway server when you deploy an NFS shared repository so you need to review which server is configured as the gateway server, if this isn’t your VBR server, how’s the communication between them? For an actual backup you’ll need to validate proxy to gateway server communication but this seems to be a prior step you’re failing on. More information here on gateway server:


Check the following:

  • Are you targeting the NFS share as an IP address or a DNS record? Are they correct and connectable from both VBR server and gateway server?
  • Have you confirmed firewall communication is okay between VBR and gateway server? Have you then confirmed firewall okay between gateway server and NFS?
  • Have you tried manually using an NFS client from the gateway server to confirm it works?


Hi Guys,
I had the same problem with @Anandu  , I was using my NAS as an NFS repository and in a few days the backup job started to fail with the following error "Failed to call RPC function 'NfsIsExist': The remote procedure call was cancelled". I then tried to create another folder on the same NAS and the same shared folder and then created a backup job that used this folder as the repository and the backup job was running successfully so I don't think it's network issues or permission issues. Can someone from this community help me, I've opened the support case but haven't received any news for 2 days

Without seeing any logs, it’s really hard to say.


I’ve seen randomness with NFS and case sensitivity on the server but case insensitivity on the client.


The logs should state why it was canceled

The repository was in unavailable state. So it showed can’t connect to target repository.

That would do it and cause the error.  Glad you figured it out.

Hi Guys,
I had the same problem with @Anandu  , I was using my NAS as an NFS repository and in a few days the backup job started to fail with the following error "Failed to call RPC function 'NfsIsExist': The remote procedure call was cancelled". I then tried to create another folder on the same NAS and the same shared folder and then created a backup job that used this folder as the repository and the backup job was running successfully so I don't think it's network issues or permission issues. Can someone from this community help me, I've opened the support case but haven't received any news for 2 days

Hi Guys,
I had the same problem with @Anandu  , I was using my NAS as an NFS repository and in a few days the backup job started to fail with the following error "Failed to call RPC function 'NfsIsExist': The remote procedure call was cancelled". I then tried to create another folder on the same NAS and the same shared folder and then created a backup job that used this folder as the repository and the backup job was running successfully so I don't think it's network issues or permission issues. Can someone from this community help me, I've opened the support case but haven't received any news for 2 days

Without seeing any logs, it’s really hard to say.


I’ve seen randomness with NFS and case sensitivity on the server but case insensitivity on the client.


The logs should state why it was canceled

Hii @MicoolPaul

From the report
Error: Failed to call RPC function 'NfsIsExist': The remote procedure call was cancelled. RPC function call failed. Function name: oDoRpcWithBinary]. Target machine: m10.15.99.162:6160].

From the Svc.VeeamInstaller.log
n22.07.2022 09:37:42.735] < 15848> dpl      | ERR |Failed to execute DoRpcWithBinary. Command name: 'DoSerialRpc'.
l22.07.2022 09:37:42.735] < 15848> dpl      | >>  |The system cannot find the file specified.
s22.07.2022 09:37:42.735] < 15848> dpl      | >>  |Failed to open fs item \\?\C:\Users\Supri
C22.07.2022 09:37:42.735] < 15848> dpl      | >>  |--tr:Error code: 0x00000002
r22.07.2022 09:37:42.735] < 15848> dpl      | >>  |--tr:Failed to complete RPC request. Method: mFcGetItemInfo], In XML: d]
t22.07.2022 09:37:42.735] < 15848> dpl      | >>  |--tr:Failed to invoke RPC request
i22.07.2022 09:37:42.735] < 15848> dpl      | >>  |--tr:Failed to call DoRpc. CmdName: -DoSerialRpc] inParam: p].
m22.07.2022 09:37:42.735] < 15848> dpl      | >>  |An exception was thrown from thread 15848].

From the Svc.VeeamInstallerDll.log
S21.07.2022 22:04:12.332] < 19036> nfs      | ERR |:NFS41]     connect failed with error: 10048



Youve got errors here that can be grouped up, though you’ve only got part of the details posted here so I can’t give you exact details for some of this:


From the report: Connecting to IP address failed. This is the port used by the Veeam installer service, indicating connection issues deploying components, I’d need to see more detail on the surrounding logs to confirm what’s being deployed at that point in time. But if you can confirm what roles are deployed to this server, that would help.


From the Svr.VeeamInstaller.Log:

It’s claiming a file is missing, I can’t see the full path to know what this is, but it could be Veeam’s installer service attempting to copy a file to run, being unable to copy and then failing to execute the file as a result. Check that this path is valid and the account credentials being used for this server have permissions to access the resource.


From Svc.VeeamInstallerDLL.log:

Error code 10048 means a port conflict, you’ve already got something using the same port that it intends to use. It references NFS so I’d assume this is relating to another service using port 6161 which is the backup repository port, unless this server is also an NFS share in which case it could be port 111 or port 2049.


I suggest on this server getting an output of netstat when no backup jobs are running and look for these ports being in use.


I hope this helps!

Got this same error, in my case, loggin into the NAS (QNAP) file inconsistency error came up, after letting the system fix this everything came back fine.

You can configure a repository on a NFS share. It is perhaps not the most advisable solution, but it works.

Do you have some more information about the error? Some logfiles?

Sorry, with this little information it is hard to say anything about this. Could be a network or permission issue.

Did you open a support case with Veeam?
