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Veeam Clickable Demos

I am sure many of you don’t have access to a lab for testing and showing how Veeam works but I found this little gem which is a site that has clickable demos of different parts of Veeam.  It shows how they work, etc.

So you could use this when you don’t have access to a lab or environment to show a customer/client, etc.

Check this out and bookmark it! :smiley:


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Nice tool! I don’t know that.

Since when does this link exist?

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Nice tool! I don’t know that.

Since when does this link exist?

Unsure but I saw it today in Twitter so wanted to share. :smiley:

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

@Chris.Childerhose : This is good and helpful !

Userlevel 7
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@Chris.Childerhose : This is good and helpful !

I thought that it might be. :smiley:

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Very nice, I didn't know this up to now.

Thank you 😎👍🏼

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Chris.Childerhose and @wolff.mateus , this site is recently online. It is created by Stijn. He is a system engineer at Veeam in Belgium (my country). I know him very well :wink: . He is a colleague of Timothy Dewin (you know him all of his site Restore Point Simulator ( Belgium is a small European country but with a lot of IT knowledge :smile:

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

@Chris.Childerhose and @wolff.mateus , this site is recently online. It is created by Stijn. He is a system engineer at Veeam in Belgium (my country). I know him very well :wink: . He is a colleague of Timothy Dewin (you know him all of his site Restore Point Simulator ( Belgium is a small European country but with a lot of IT knowledge :smile:

Well he did a great job with this and it is great to see the videos on there.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Nice tool! I don’t know that.

Since when does this link exist?

I would say it's rather ‘fresh 😅


Badge +4

@Chris.Childerhose and @Nico Losschaert 
thanks for referring me. I was able to see Nico again yesterday (yesyes, in real life, imagine!) he mentioned this as well, so I quickly registered myself.

What is the story behind it…
well… as a Veeam-SE I had a lot of (smaller)partners asking over and over the same question(s). The solution for most of those questions would have been simply: download the soft, install it and click around, then you’ll discover the answer yourself…

But at a certain point in time I just realized they don’t have a proper lab nor budget nor time to invest in it. So I took the chance of the yearly calm period during the summer-holidays to dig again in my horrible HTML-skills :-) and quickly made something that is functional and could “fix” that little issue by providing the tools they might need.
Ow… and please not all the credits to me … actually Niels Engelen(yes, that VBO-portal-guy :)) made this in the past, but the content was too out-dated and he didn’t plan to update it anymore.

I’m still working on it from now and then, and I’m convinced that in the future the amount of content will only grow.
Currently I’m busy on VBO. An install from start to finish, config, tweaks,…

My own preference was initially VdrO, but that is so quickly so difficult/chaotic in a click-through scenario. So I’ve placed that idea in the fridge for now :-)

Any idea/tip/…  is always welcome, so feel free to ping me. This little site is indeed for (any) community. 


… and now I’ll be on very thin ice ...but I’ll take the chance… euhm... @Rick Vanover perhaps we could work out something for V12-alpha/beta one day…  (if allowed off course)

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

@Chris.Childerhose and @Nico Losschaert 
thanks for referring me. I was able to see Nico again yesterday (yesyes, in real life, imagine!) he mentioned this as well, so I quickly registered myself.

What is the story behind it…
well… as a Veeam-SE I had a lot of (smaller)partners asking over and over the same question(s). The solution for most of those questions would have been simply: download the soft, install it and click around, then you’ll discover the answer yourself…

But at a certain point in time I just realized they don’t have a proper lab nor budget nor time to invest in it. So I took the chance of the yearly calm period during the summer-holidays to dig again in my horrible HTML-skills :-) and quickly made something that is functional and could “fix” that little issue by providing the tools they might need.
Ow… and please not all the credits to me … actually Niels Engelen(yes, that VBO-portal-guy :)) made this in the past, but the content was too out-dated and he didn’t plan to update it anymore.

I’m still working on it from now and then, and I’m convinced that in the future the amount of content will only grow.
Currently I’m busy on VBO. An install from start to finish, config, tweaks,…

My own preference was initially VdrO, but that is so quickly so difficult/chaotic in a click-through scenario. So I’ve placed that idea in the fridge for now :-)

Any idea/tip/…  is always welcome, so feel free to ping me. This little site is indeed for (any) community. 


… and now I’ll be on very thin ice ...but I’ll take the chance… euhm... @Rick Vanover perhaps we could work out something for V12-alpha/beta one day…  (if allowed off course)

My pleasure as it was nice to see something like this out there to show demos and I sent it to our OPs folks who need to learn Veeam more. Keep up the good work.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Love it, this is perfect for a thing I wanna show today!! Thanks @Chris.Childerhose 

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Love it, this is perfect for a thing I wanna show today!! Thanks @Chris.Childerhose 

No problem hope it helps. 😀

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Chris.Childerhose and @Nico Losschaert 
thanks for referring me. I was able to see Nico again yesterday (yesyes, in real life, imagine!) he mentioned this as well, so I quickly registered myself.

What is the story behind it…
well… as a Veeam-SE I had a lot of (smaller)partners asking over and over the same question(s). The solution for most of those questions would have been simply: download the soft, install it and click around, then you’ll discover the answer yourself…

But at a certain point in time I just realized they don’t have a proper lab nor budget nor time to invest in it. So I took the chance of the yearly calm period during the summer-holidays to dig again in my horrible HTML-skills :-) and quickly made something that is functional and could “fix” that little issue by providing the tools they might need.
Ow… and please not all the credits to me … actually Niels Engelen(yes, that VBO-portal-guy :)) made this in the past, but the content was too out-dated and he didn’t plan to update it anymore.

I’m still working on it from now and then, and I’m convinced that in the future the amount of content will only grow.
Currently I’m busy on VBO. An install from start to finish, config, tweaks,…

My own preference was initially VdrO, but that is so quickly so difficult/chaotic in a click-through scenario. So I’ve placed that idea in the fridge for now :-)

Any idea/tip/…  is always welcome, so feel free to ping me. This little site is indeed for (any) community. 


… and now I’ll be on very thin ice ...but I’ll take the chance… euhm... @Rick Vanover perhaps we could work out something for V12-alpha/beta one day…  (if allowed off course)

Thx @smarivoet for joining this awesome community! As I said, a great idea to launch such a tool.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

I guess the blog has been updated..correct @smarivoet ?! 😊

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Nice tool! I don’t know that.

Since when does this link exist?

From v9.5 :P 

Thanks for sharing.  Testing replies with new account.  Chris Childerhose 😀

Badge +4

I guess the blog has been updated..correct @smarivoet ?! 😊

hi… indeed :-)

it gave me some additional grey hair, but I managed to update it indeed.

So other ideas are coming, like for instance the blog, perhaps again veeamonday(in the running to veeam-on every monday 1h free SE-time),… but time is little issue at the moment ;).

My daily job is still all partner and client focussed. The website is “just another thing” as a side-activity for post-working-hours.


I try to ping my followers on linked-in

Badge +4

Nice tool! I don’t know that.

Since when does this link exist?

From v9.5 :P 

well, it is “only” 2years old. 

But some of the concepts were given by Niels that initially made something similar on
