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Veeam Backup for Windows recovery what am i doing wrong

so I am using Windows backup agent for Windows on my desktop stored on my NAS. however, I wanted to test it so I went to Virtualbox created a generic Windows 11 VM added some files and programs and installed Veeam for Windows, and created a backup. the backup finishes with no problem. I then created a different VM using the same settings as the first one. and tried to recover the test VM. but every time I attempt a bare metal restore I am faced with 

Restoring (C:) Error: Failed to decompress LZ4 block: Bad crc (origaal crc: e230c ...
Restore failed: Failed to decompress LZ4 block: Ba Restoring (C:) Error: Failed to decompress LZ4 block: Bad crc (original crc:
Saving restore logs Error: Unable to save recovery | e230c2bb, current crc: d7baf3cf). Failed to download disk
'Volumeo227052a4-8674-407e-9278-b900d454d9f3}'. Agent failed to process
method {Data Transfer.SyncDisk}. Exception from server: Shared memory
connection was closed. Failed to upload disk. Skipped arguments:

So I booted the original and verified all of windows were intact by running chkdsk, dism, and sfc scans, and all came back good.

I then ran a full new backup on a USB drive. I tried restoring using that it also failed with the same error.


So I have 2 questions that I need some help with, 1 is this issue fixable?


and 2 is there a way to test these backups to avoid this from happening? I do have a storage-level corruption guard turned on for the backups.


Thank you in advance


Userlevel 7
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Hello @Midnight2ss  have you check this kb:


Have you try to test your backup only for a file level restore?

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @Midnight2ss - I think a similar issue occurs when attempting to restore Win Server 2022 and creating your restore media on 2022; to resolve, you need to create restore media on a lesser version like 2019 (for now). Do you have a Win 10 system you can create your restore media on, then reattempt to do your test restore of your Win11 system?

I also wonder if the issue is EFI-related to the VM. In VMware I have issues with EFI-created VMs (sorry..can’t recall the error I got as it was a few mos back). Can you restore to a ‘legacy BIOS’ based VM? I also like the idea @Stabz suggested to at least try a file and/or Volume-level restore to see if even those will work.

Let us know.

Userlevel 1

Hello @Midnight2ss  have you check this kb:


Have you try to test your backup only for a file level restore?

the file restore has worked

Userlevel 1

Hi @Midnight2ss - I think a similar issue occurs when attempting to restore Win Server 2022 and creating your restore media on 2022; to resolve, you need to create restore media on a lesser version like 2019 (for now). Do you have a Win 10 system you can create your restore media on, then reattempt to do your test restore of your Win11 system?

I also wonder if the issue is EFI-related to the VM. In VMware I have issues with EFI-created VMs (sorry..can’t recall the error I got as it was a few mos back). Can you restore to a ‘legacy BIOS’ based VM? I also like the idea @Stabz suggested to at least try a file and/or Volume-level restore to see if even those will work.

Let us know.

i downloaded the ISO from the machine that took the backup as well as the one posted on Veeams website, i did try the EFI which got further but it failed because the disk was gbt.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @Midnight2ss - Ok, so you created the recovery media ISO on the source machine? ...which is normally the correct thing to do. I’m curious if you create a Win10 VM and create recovery media on it then use it to recovery your Win11 VM if it would work.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @Midnight2ss - are you still having an issue here? Just following up. Let us know if you’re still having problems...if still with questions, don’t hesitate to ask. 

Otherwise, if one of the provided comments helped you, please mark one as ‘Best Answer’ so others with a similar issue who come across your post may benefit.

Thank you.

Userlevel 1

I was able to get it to work I guess my usb drives just didn’t work I’m not too sure my backup to my nas worked issue is resolved

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Ok, great to hear you’re all set at least. Thanks for the update @Midnight2ss 
