I would allow the consolidations to finish as you can cause problems rebooting during as you have noted. Nothing much else to do at this point.
Honestly, it’s best to let it run out if you can. I’ve never rebooted a VM during a consolidation process, that I recall anyway. But I don’t think a reboot would hurt anything.
Your DB is probably pretty large, thus the poor performance. A restart will only temporarily resolve the performance issue, not the consolidation issue...that’ll still need to happen.
hi @spider32
the DB usually generates a lot of disk writes and IOPS.
Stop the DB, shut down the server:
From Vmware you can run Consolidate
or you can consolidate by running a storage vmotion.
if all ok poweron VM & start DB.
Thanks for your suggestion.
Yes, the DB is pretty large, close to 15TB and I’m sure storage vmotion would take hours and we would have to do it twice to bring it back to its home volume.
I was told that the DB has been restarted to no avail. Resource utilization is normal compared to several weeks before. So we’ll see if we can determine what is going on with the server before we do anything drastic.
Ok @spider32 . Keep up posted.
Sounds like a good plan. Keep us updated on your solution so that it can help others that might run into this issue. Once you get everything done be sure to mark the best answer which is closest to your question so others can see that too.
As suggested, we just let the consolidation finished. It ran more than 50 hours, no snapshot present. I think there were so many changes being done on the server. No issue seen from the backup side. After the reboot, all the backups have run successfully and near baseline duration.
Thanks for your inputs.
As suggested, we just let the consolidation finished. It ran more than 50 hours, no snapshot present. I think there were so many changes being done on the server. No issue seen from the backup side. After the reboot, all the backups have run successfully and near baseline duration.
Thanks for your inputs.
excellent news.
thanks for the feedback.
Report the answer that helped you the most
thank you
As suggested, we just let the consolidation finished. It ran more than 50 hours, no snapshot present. I think there were so many changes being done on the server. No issue seen from the backup side. After the reboot, all the backups have run successfully and near baseline duration.
Thanks for your inputs.
Glad to hear the consolidation finished and everything is back to normal now. Not great it took so long.