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Dear Community,


To reach this step, I resolved the error "SSPI authentication failed for user" by following the steps outlined in the official Veeam article:


However, I am now stuck at a point where I must assign the appropriate permissions to proceed.


Could someone please guide me to where and how to assign the necessary permissions?





Your advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



Seems there was a Forums post where someone had the same SSPI error you did. See if what they did helps with your 2nd issue:

Also, would be helpful to know what specifically you were attempting to begin with as well as subsequently after you resolved your SSPI error.

This seems to be an issue on the VBR server where it is checking the services as per the error.  Check who you are running this with and permissions but also let us know what you are trying to do.

Seems there was a Forums post where someone had the same SSPI error you did. See if what they did helps with your 2nd issue:


this error I already fixed it thank you for your response.

This seems to be an issue on the VBR server where it is checking the services as per the error.  Check who you are running this with and permissions but also let us know what you are trying to do.



sure let me gather rest are screenshot and i will post here with more details.

Open Veeam backup and replication configuration Database connecting setting




following setting come



click next and some wizard open and run on that tab i already fixed SSPI authentication error


after several time again give error.






So either the windows user does not have permission or the Postgres credentials are incorrect. That is the only explanation for the access denied message.

@waqasali Please, have a look into the file pg_hba.conf


Check this article 

configure it as below, just to tests the connection


try to use the pg_hba.conf like below

host    all             all               trust
host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust
