
VBR 12 Windows guest files restore error

Userlevel 3
  • Comes here often

Latest VBR 12 build installed on a workgroup server running Windows Server 2022.

vSphere 7U3k.

When trying to restore a file from a backed up vSphere VM, I get the following errors in the Backup Browser:



After the last error the Backup Browser closes.


Best answer by Mildur 13 April 2023, 22:03

View original


Userlevel 7
Badge +21

It would help out if you put some of the log file output here also to see if we can help but would recommend creating a support ticket also.

Logs are here - C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup - the job you ran will be a folder in here with the logs.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Latest VBR 12 build installed on a workgroup server running Windows Server 2022.

vSphere 7U3k.

When trying to restore a file from a backed up vSphere VM, I get the following errors in the Backup Browser:



After the last error the Backup Browser closes.

Which server is acting as your mount server?  Is it the Veeam server itself?  Check the backup job to see the configuration of the mount server.  There is something possibly not mounting correctly from the backup.

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Anything special about this server? Is it a windows VM? Do you habe deduplication enabled within the VM’s OS etc?

Userlevel 1

Hello, once I had a similar error, I do not say that in v12 but in v11, I relocated my backup file in another repository, I did a rescan and tried again working

Userlevel 3

Here is part of the Svc.VeeamMount.log. It contains the error and some context.

The VBR 12 server is nothing special, just a Windows Server 2022 Standard.

[12.04.2023 22:41:12.188] <39> Info         Creating common mount points detector...
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.213] <39> Info         Found SYSTEM registry hive: 'C:\VeeamFLR\fhwsus02_8814eb8f\Volume1\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM'.
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.217] <39> Info         Found exported registry hive: C:\VeeamFLR\fhwsus02_8814eb8f\Volume1\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM.{76084AB0-E15A-44A4-8E9E-1B8D82698635}
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.219] <39> Info         Original hive modification time: 12-04-2023 20:07:32
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.220] <39> Info         Exported hive modification time: 12-04-2023 22:24:37
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.220] <39> Info         Deleting original hive C:\VeeamFLR\fhwsus02_8814eb8f\Volume1\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.221] <39> Info         Renaming exported hive C:\VeeamFLR\fhwsus02_8814eb8f\Volume1\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM.{76084AB0-E15A-44A4-8E9E-1B8D82698635} to SYSTEM
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.225] <39> Info         Copy registry hive to temp folder before load.
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error        Retrieved incorrect string: do rpc - The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format.
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error        Failed to call RegLoadKey function.
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error        --tr:Error code: 0x000003f9
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error        --tr:Failed to complete RPC request. Method: [RegAttachHiveFile], In XML: [<InputArguments><ParentKey value="2" /><KeyPath value="SYSTEMcbd578e028c8482daf266223ce5e14e1" /><File value="C:\Windows\TEMP\SYSTEMcbd578e028c8482daf266223ce5e14e1" /><OverrideSequenceNumber value="True" /></InputArguments>]
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error        --tr:Failed to invoke RPC request
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error        --tr:Failed to call DoRpc. CmdName: [DoSerialRpc] inParam: [<InputArguments/>].
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error        --tr:Failed to call DoRpcWithBinary. Method: [DoSerialRpc], In xml: [<InputArguments/>]
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error        --tr:Failed to call DoRpcWithBinary
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error        --tr:Failed to do RPC call with serialized data, Strategy type: DefaultStrategy
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error        --tr:Failed to call [DoSerialRpc], session id: {fe2b69bf-593a-44a8-8b6c-0422e15df8fc}
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error        --tr:Failed to call [RegAttachHiveFile]
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error        [CProxyRpcInvoker] Failed to call RPC function 'RegAttachHiveFile': The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format. Failed to call RegLoadKey function.. InParams: '<InputArguments><ParentKey value="2" /><KeyPath value="SYSTEMcbd578e028c8482daf266223ce5e14e1" /><File value="C:\Windows\TEMP\SYSTEMcbd578e028c8482daf266223ce5e14e1" /><OverrideSequenceNumber value="True" /></InputArguments>'.
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error        The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format.
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error        Failed to call RegLoadKey function.
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error         (System.ApplicationException)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CNativeAccessor.GenerateExceptionWithoutTrace(Exception ex)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CNativeAccessor.CheckString(String value, String message)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRpcInvoker.Call(String methodName, CProxyInvokeInputArg inputArgs, Boolean secureCall)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <39> Warning      Unexpected rpc exception type System.ApplicationException
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <09> Error        [RPC] The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format.
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <09> Error        [RPC] Failed to call RegLoadKey function.
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <09> Error        [RPC] --tr:Error code: 0x000003f9
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <09> Error        [RPC] --tr:Failed to complete RPC request. Method: [RegAttachHiveFile], In XML: [<InputArguments><ParentKey value="2" /><KeyPath value="SYSTEMcbd578e028c8482daf266223ce5e14e1" /><File value="C:\Windows\TEMP\SYSTEMcbd578e028c8482daf266223ce5e14e1" /><OverrideSequenceNumber value="True" /></InputArguments>]
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <09> Error        [RPC] --tr:Failed to invoke RPC request
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <09> Error        [RPC] --tr:Failed to call DoRpc. CmdName: [DoSerialRpc] inParam: [<InputArguments/>].
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <09> Error        [RPC] --tr:Failed to call DoRpcWithBinary. Method: [DoSerialRpc], In xml: [<InputArguments/>]
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.745] <09> Error        [RPC] --tr:Failed to call DoRpcWithBinary
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.746] <09> Error        [RPC] --tr:Failed to do RPC call with serialized data, Strategy type: DefaultStrategy
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.746] <09> Error        [RPC] --tr:Failed to call [DoSerialRpc], session id: {fe2b69bf-593a-44a8-8b6c-0422e15df8fc}
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.746] <09> Error        [RPC] --tr:Failed to call [RegAttachHiveFile]
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error        Failed to mount remote disks for the file level restore
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error        [fhbu02] Failed to attach hive file. Path: [C:\Windows\TEMP\SYSTEMcbd578e028c8482daf266223ce5e14e1] (System.Exception)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CRpcProxyRegistryCommanderImpl.AttachHiveFile(EHKey hiveKey, String subKey, String filePath)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CRemoteRegistryCommander.Veeam.Backup.Core.IRegistryCommander.AttachHiveFile(EHiveKeys hiveKey, String subKey, String filePath)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Common.CRegistryHiveLoadSession..ctor(IFileCommander fileCommander, String hiveFilePath, Boolean readonlyUsage, IRegistryCommander regCommander, Boolean forceOverwriteRegistryFile, Boolean useCopyFromRemoteStrategy)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CWinMountRegistryHelper.LoadMountedDevicesFromRegistry(String registryHivePath, IRegistryCommander regCommander, IFileCommander fileCommander)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CWinMountPointsDetector..ctor(IFileCommander fileCommander, IRegistryCommander registryCommander, String[] mountedMountPoints)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CWinMountSessionMountPointsDetector.CreateMountPointsDetector(String[] mountedMountPoints)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CMountResultBuilder.Build()
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CFlat2FsMounter.Mount(IFsrMountSession mountSession, IEnumerable`1 flats, CDiskIdRemapper idRemapper, CBackupVolumeInfo[] volumeInfoFromBackup)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CVeeamFctMounter.Mount(IMountSource source, IEnumerable`1 processingParams, CAsyncMountModeSelector mountMode, CTerminationMediator cancelMediator)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.MountServiceLib.CFlrDisksMounter.Mount(Boolean isShieldedVm, Boolean isKdsUsed, CAsyncMountModeSelector mountMode, CTerminationMediator cancelMediator)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error        The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format.
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error         (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppCOMException)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error        Failed to call RegLoadKey function.
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error         (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppComponentException)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRpcInvoker.Call(String methodName, CProxyInvokeInputArg inputArgs, Boolean secureCall)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.758] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CRpcProxyRegistryCommanderImpl.AttachHiveFile(EHKey hiveKey, String subKey, String filePath)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error        Mount was failed
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error        [fhbu02] Failed to attach hive file. Path: [C:\Windows\TEMP\SYSTEMcbd578e028c8482daf266223ce5e14e1] (System.Exception)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CRpcProxyRegistryCommanderImpl.AttachHiveFile(EHKey hiveKey, String subKey, String filePath)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CRemoteRegistryCommander.Veeam.Backup.Core.IRegistryCommander.AttachHiveFile(EHiveKeys hiveKey, String subKey, String filePath)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Common.CRegistryHiveLoadSession..ctor(IFileCommander fileCommander, String hiveFilePath, Boolean readonlyUsage, IRegistryCommander regCommander, Boolean forceOverwriteRegistryFile, Boolean useCopyFromRemoteStrategy)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CWinMountRegistryHelper.LoadMountedDevicesFromRegistry(String registryHivePath, IRegistryCommander regCommander, IFileCommander fileCommander)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CWinMountPointsDetector..ctor(IFileCommander fileCommander, IRegistryCommander registryCommander, String[] mountedMountPoints)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CWinMountSessionMountPointsDetector.CreateMountPointsDetector(String[] mountedMountPoints)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CMountResultBuilder.Build()
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CFlat2FsMounter.Mount(IFsrMountSession mountSession, IEnumerable`1 flats, CDiskIdRemapper idRemapper, CBackupVolumeInfo[] volumeInfoFromBackup)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CVeeamFctMounter.Mount(IMountSource source, IEnumerable`1 processingParams, CAsyncMountModeSelector mountMode, CTerminationMediator cancelMediator)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.MountServiceLib.CFlrDisksMounter.Mount(Boolean isShieldedVm, Boolean isKdsUsed, CAsyncMountModeSelector mountMode, CTerminationMediator cancelMediator)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.MountServiceLib.CWinOibMountSession.Mount(CTerminationMediator cancelMediator)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.MountServiceLib.COibMount..ctor(IOibMountSession mountSession, IFlrOibGetter oibGetter, Guid leaseId, Guid oibId, COperationCancelMediator cancelMediator)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error        The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format.
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error         (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppCOMException)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error        Failed to call RegLoadKey function.
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error         (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppComponentException)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRpcInvoker.Call(String methodName, CProxyInvokeInputArg inputArgs, Boolean secureCall)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Error           at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CRpcProxyRegistryCommanderImpl.AttachHiveFile(EHKey hiveKey, String subKey, String filePath)
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.759] <39> Info                 [AP] (432a3d4a) command: 'Invoke: FileSystem.VmdkUmountAll '
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.763] <71> Info                   [AP] (432a3d4a) output: <VCPCommandResult result="true" exception="" />
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.774] <70> Info                   [AP] (432a3d4a) output: <VCPCommandArgs />
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.775] <70> Info                   [AP] (432a3d4a) output: >
[12.04.2023 22:41:12.775] <39> Info                 [AP] (432a3d4a) command: 'Invoke: VDK.Close { (EInt32) Partition = 0; }'
[12.04.2023 22:41:13.198] <71> Info                   [AP] (432a3d4a) output: <VCPCommandResult result="true" exception="" />
[12.04.2023 22:41:13.198] <71> Info                   [AP] (432a3d4a) output: <VCPCommandArgs />
[12.04.2023 22:41:13.198] <71> Info                   [AP] (432a3d4a) output: >
[12.04.2023 22:41:13.199] <39> Info                 [AP] (432a3d4a) command: 'Invoke: VDK.Close { (EInt32) Partition = 1; }'
[12.04.2023 22:41:13.416] <70> Info                   [AP] (432a3d4a) output: <VCPCommandResult result="true" exception="" />
[12.04.2023 22:41:13.416] <70> Info                   [AP] (432a3d4a) output: <VCPCommandArgs />
[12.04.2023 22:41:13.416] <70> Info                   [AP] (432a3d4a) output: >
[12.04.2023 22:41:13.417] <39> Info                 [AP] (432a3d4a) command: 'Invoke: Mount.GenericDismount '
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.023] <71> Info                   [AP] (432a3d4a) output: <VCPCommandResult result="true" exception="" />
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.027] <72> Info                   [AP] (432a3d4a) output: <VCPCommandArgs />
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.028] <72> Info                   [AP] (432a3d4a) output: >
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.029] <39> Info         [CPersistentAgentHive] Unregistering agent. AgentId: [ddfb9cf6-8c88-4c3a-8e18-e645452fb8ce].
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.030] <39> Info         [CPersistentAgentHive] Agent unregistered [True].
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.030] <39> Info                 [AP] (432a3d4a) disconnecting
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.033] <72> Info                   [AP] (432a3d4a) output: >
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.034] <39> Info                 [AP] Disposing client from thread 39
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.034] <39> Info             Disposing BaseAgentProtocol [0x22cd095]
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.034] <39> Info             Disposing CSocketAgentService [0x22f2e08], sessionId [432a3d4a]
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.034] <39> Info             [SocketAgentService] Closing connection to agent 'fhbu02', id 432a3d4a
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.034] <39> Info             [ReconnectableSocket] Stop request was sent on [8afe435d-6618-4df0-a9f7-c8dcb07c7f0f].
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.034] <66> Info             [ReconnectableSocket][StopCondition] Stop confirmation was received on [8afe435d-6618-4df0-a9f7-c8dcb07c7f0f].
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.035] <66> Info             [ReconnectableSocket] Stop confirmation was sent on [8afe435d-6618-4df0-a9f7-c8dcb07c7f0f].
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.035] <66> Info             [ReconnectableSocket][StopCondition] Stop request was received on [8afe435d-6618-4df0-a9f7-c8dcb07c7f0f].
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.037] <39> Info             Disposing CProxyAgent [0x3abf30d], agent id ddfb9cf6-8c88-4c3a-8e18-e645452fb8ce
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.038] <39> Info                 [AP] Disposing client from thread 39
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.038] <39> Info             Disposing BaseAgentProtocol [0x18cdc0e]
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.039] <39> Info             Disposing CSocketAgentService [0x196652b], sessionId [f815ca21]
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.039] <39> Info             [SocketAgentService] Closing connection to agent 'fhbu02', id f815ca21
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.041] <39> Info         [CTransportSvcAgentManager]     Stopping agent, id 'ddfb9cf6-8c88-4c3a-8e18-e645452fb8ce'
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.042] <39> Info         [CTransportSvcAgentManager]     Closing port before agent stop, id 'ddfb9cf6-8c88-4c3a-8e18-e645452fb8ce'.
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.042] <39> Info         [CTransportSvcAgentManager]     Sending signal to stop agent with timeout (10 sec), id ddfb9cf6-8c88-4c3a-8e18-e645452fb8ce. Host: fhbu02.
[12.04.2023 22:41:14.044] <39> Info         [CTransportSvcAgentManager]     Checking whether agent 'ddfb9cf6-8c88-4c3a-8e18-e645452fb8ce' is alive on host 'fhbu02' with timeout.
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.049] <39> Info         [CTransportSvcAgentManager]     Checking whether agent 'ddfb9cf6-8c88-4c3a-8e18-e645452fb8ce' is alive on host 'fhbu02' with timeout.
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.049] <39> Info         [CTransportSvcAgentManager]     Agent has been stopped, id 'ddfb9cf6-8c88-4c3a-8e18-e645452fb8ce'
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.050] <39> Info         [CProxyRpcInvoker] RpcInvoker [3991620] was disposed
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.051] <09> Info         [RPC] Destroying RPC confirm session. Id: {1b4dd544-34e7-4f04-8aad-02b4c586f849}
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.052] <39> Info         [CProxyRpcInvoker] RpcInvoker [14702683] was disposed
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.057] <09> Info         [RPC] Destroying RPC confirm session. Id: {fe2b69bf-593a-44a8-8b6c-0422e15df8fc}
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.058] <39> Info         [CProxyRpcInvoker] RpcInvoker [10194714] was disposed
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.059] <39> Info         -----------------------------------------
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error        Operation [MountOib, 3ebb372d-2401-4e70-9210-77c43ff558ba] complete with error
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error        Failed to call RPC function 'RegAttachHiveFile': The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format. Failed to call RegLoadKey function. (System.Exception)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error        Server stack trace: 
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.MountServiceLib.COibMount..ctor(IOibMountSession mountSession, IFlrOibGetter oibGetter, Guid leaseId, Guid oibId, COperationCancelMediator cancelMediator)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.MountServiceLib.CMountOibOperation.MountOibSync(CMountLogHeader logHeader, COibMountSpec mountSpec, COperationCancelMediator cancelMediator, COibMountUid& oibMountUid)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.MountServiceLib.CMountOibOperation.ExecuteProcImpl(COperationCancelMediator cancelMediator)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.MountServiceLib.CMountServerSideOperation.Veeam.Common.WinService.IOperationImpl.ExecuteProc(COperationCancelMediator cancelMediator)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Object[]& outArgs)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.AsyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, IMessageSink replySink)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error        Exception rethrown at [0]: 
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.EndInvokeHelper(Message reqMsg, Boolean bProxyCase)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RemotingProxy.Invoke(Object NotUsed, MessageData& msgData)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at System.Func`2.EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Common.WinService.COperationExecutor.EnsureActualResultWasFilled()
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error        [fhbu02] Failed to attach hive file. Path: [C:\Windows\TEMP\SYSTEMcbd578e028c8482daf266223ce5e14e1] (System.Exception)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CRpcProxyRegistryCommanderImpl.AttachHiveFile(EHKey hiveKey, String subKey, String filePath)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CRemoteRegistryCommander.Veeam.Backup.Core.IRegistryCommander.AttachHiveFile(EHiveKeys hiveKey, String subKey, String filePath)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Common.CRegistryHiveLoadSession..ctor(IFileCommander fileCommander, String hiveFilePath, Boolean readonlyUsage, IRegistryCommander regCommander, Boolean forceOverwriteRegistryFile, Boolean useCopyFromRemoteStrategy)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CWinMountRegistryHelper.LoadMountedDevicesFromRegistry(String registryHivePath, IRegistryCommander regCommander, IFileCommander fileCommander)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CWinMountPointsDetector..ctor(IFileCommander fileCommander, IRegistryCommander registryCommander, String[] mountedMountPoints)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CWinMountSessionMountPointsDetector.CreateMountPointsDetector(String[] mountedMountPoints)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CMountResultBuilder.Build()
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CFlat2FsMounter.Mount(IFsrMountSession mountSession, IEnumerable`1 flats, CDiskIdRemapper idRemapper, CBackupVolumeInfo[] volumeInfoFromBackup)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.Core.CVeeamFctMounter.Mount(IMountSource source, IEnumerable`1 processingParams, CAsyncMountModeSelector mountMode, CTerminationMediator cancelMediator)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.MountServiceLib.CFlrDisksMounter.Mount(Boolean isShieldedVm, Boolean isKdsUsed, CAsyncMountModeSelector mountMode, CTerminationMediator cancelMediator)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.MountServiceLib.CWinOibMountSession.Mount(CTerminationMediator cancelMediator)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.MountServiceLib.COibMount..ctor(IOibMountSession mountSession, IFlrOibGetter oibGetter, Guid leaseId, Guid oibId, COperationCancelMediator cancelMediator)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error        The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format.
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error         (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppCOMException)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error        Failed to call RegLoadKey function.
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error         (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppComponentException)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRpcInvoker.Call(String methodName, CProxyInvokeInputArg inputArgs, Boolean secureCall)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Error           at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CRpcProxyRegistryCommanderImpl.AttachHiveFile(EHKey hiveKey, String subKey, String filePath)
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.163] <68> Info         Operation [MountOib, 3ebb372d-2401-4e70-9210-77c43ff558ba] complete in [00:00:15.3368065]. Result: [Failed to call RPC function 'RegAttachHiveFile': The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format. Failed to call RegLoadKey function.]
[12.04.2023 22:41:15.167] <68> Info         Operation [MountOib, 3ebb372d-2401-4e70-9210-77c43ff558ba] has been deleted
[12.04.2023 22:41:16.299] <68> Info         Removing restore session [8890cd3f-be9b-403e-a532-6a32ecef1dbe] from collection
[12.04.2023 22:41:16.299] <68> Info         Disposing COperationManager
[12.04.2023 22:41:16.299] <68> Info         [StorageRestoreAgentPool] Disposing all storage agent providers
[12.04.2023 22:41:16.299] <68> Info         [StorageRestoreAgentPool] All storage agent providers disposed
[12.04.2023 22:41:16.299] <68> Info         [InMemoryLeaseHive] Destroying lease [63268ad5d81b4b36adf247daf7b9e1c4]
[12.04.2023 22:41:16.299] <68> Info         [InMemoryLeaseHive] Lease destroyed [True]
[12.04.2023 22:41:16.302] <66> Info         [Session 90791e1e-8031-475d-9111-5fd23a54b438] Closing...

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Based on this your best bet is to open a support case to upload the logs and help determine the issue.  It is hard to parse through those and logs you upload to Veeam will have more data for them to analyze.

I will try to go through this and see unless someone beats me to it.  LOL

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Are you able to launch the Backup Browser successfully and able to navigate to the file you want to restore correctly? 

Userlevel 3

Are you able to launch the Backup Browser successfully and able to navigate to the file you want to restore correctly? 

Yes, the Backup Browser loads when I start a restore job. It won’t let me browse anything because of the errors.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Are you able to launch the Backup Browser successfully and able to navigate to the file you want to restore correctly? 

Yes, the Backup Browser loads when I start a restore job. It won’t let me browse anything because of the errors.

There is something you can try. Launch the restore session and then wait until the Backup Browser loads. 

Navigate to C:\VeeamFLR, I think it’s called of the top of my head. That is usually where the backup will be mounted. See if you are able to access the files you need that way. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

One other thing you can try is running the Veeam Backup Validator tool against the backup as well to check the backup files aren’t corrupted

Userlevel 3

Are you able to launch the Backup Browser successfully and able to navigate to the file you want to restore correctly? 

Yes, the Backup Browser loads when I start a restore job. It won’t let me browse anything because of the errors.

There is something you can try. Launch the restore session and then wait until the Backup Browser loads. 

Navigate to C:\VeeamFLR, I think it’s called of the top of my head. That is usually where the backup will be mounted. See if you are able to access the files you need that way. 

A folder is created with subfolders but they disappear when the error pops up. There is not enough time to really see what’s there.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Are you able to launch the Backup Browser successfully and able to navigate to the file you want to restore correctly? 

Yes, the Backup Browser loads when I start a restore job. It won’t let me browse anything because of the errors.

There is something you can try. Launch the restore session and then wait until the Backup Browser loads. 

Navigate to C:\VeeamFLR, I think it’s called of the top of my head. That is usually where the backup will be mounted. See if you are able to access the files you need that way. 

A folder is created with subfolders but they disappear when the error pops up. There is not enough time to really see what’s there.

Is there enough space on the C drive?  Just checking on that. Maybe you need to move the mount folder to another drive.

Userlevel 3

Are you able to launch the Backup Browser successfully and able to navigate to the file you want to restore correctly? 

Yes, the Backup Browser loads when I start a restore job. It won’t let me browse anything because of the errors.

There is something you can try. Launch the restore session and then wait until the Backup Browser loads. 

Navigate to C:\VeeamFLR, I think it’s called of the top of my head. That is usually where the backup will be mounted. See if you are able to access the files you need that way. 

A folder is created with subfolders but they disappear when the error pops up. There is not enough time to really see what’s there.

Is there enough space on the C drive?  Just checking on that. Maybe you need to move the mount folder to another drive.

There is more than enough space available.

BTW: guest files restore of a Linux machine does work.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Are you able to launch the Backup Browser successfully and able to navigate to the file you want to restore correctly? 

Yes, the Backup Browser loads when I start a restore job. It won’t let me browse anything because of the errors.

There is something you can try. Launch the restore session and then wait until the Backup Browser loads. 

Navigate to C:\VeeamFLR, I think it’s called of the top of my head. That is usually where the backup will be mounted. See if you are able to access the files you need that way. 

A folder is created with subfolders but they disappear when the error pops up. There is not enough time to really see what’s there.

Is there enough space on the C drive?  Just checking on that. Maybe you need to move the mount folder to another drive.

There is more than enough space available.

BTW: guest files restore of a Linux machine does work.

So then it could be the backup of the windows machine that has a problem. I would try the tool mentioned by Dips above to check the files.  Otherwise at this point I think a support case is the best way forward now.

Userlevel 3

Ok, interesting addition below.

When I create a backup job containing several Windows VM’s, say all domain members, the guest file restore of a VM from that job fails with the errors shown above.

But when I create individual jobs for each VM I am able to use the guest file restore...

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Maybe a bug?  Post over on the forum as well to see - HTTPS://


Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Ok, interesting addition below.

When I create a backup job containing several Windows VM’s, say all domain members, the guest file restore of a VM from that job fails with the errors shown above.

But when I create individual jobs for each VM I am able to use the guest file restore...

What do your backup job settings look like? Are you performing per VM backup jobs?

Userlevel 3

I did some more testing and I can confirm what I posted above.

One job containing more than 1 VM and a Guest Files restore produces an error.

Several jobs all containing just one VM and the Guest Files restore succeeds.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

I did some more testing and I can confirm what I posted above.

One job containing more than 1 VM and a Guest Files restore produces an error.

Several jobs all containing just one VM and the Guest Files restore succeeds.

I would open a case and also post on the forums to inform them about this.  I am thinking a bug at this point in v12.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12



Please open a support ticket first before coming to the RnD forum. To confirm if it‘s a bug or not we need your debug logs. You may post the bug the forum, but a support case id must be provided.

Our customer support has the right tools and training to go through the debug logs and decide if it‘s a bug or environmental issue.




Userlevel 3

I did some more testing and I can confirm what I posted above.

One job containing more than 1 VM and a Guest Files restore produces an error.

Several jobs all containing just one VM and the Guest Files restore succeeds.

Sorry, my findings above were not correct. Yet again did more testing. I can do a guest files restore but:

  • Only when it is a Windows Server 2019 VM.
  • Or it is the backup server itself which is running Windows Server 2022.

Whenever I try to do a guest files restore of a Windows Server 2022 VM, I get the error I posted above.

Again, sorry for the confusion.

Userlevel 3



Please open a support ticket first before coming to the RnD forum. To confirm if it‘s a bug or not we need your debug logs. You may post the bug the forum, but a support case id must be provided.

Our customer support has the right tools and training to go through the debug logs and decide if it‘s a bug or environmental issue.




This is a home lab using the NFR license. I am more than willing to submit a case but I don’t know if I am entitled to open a case.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

There is also another patch out for v12 so apply that and try again -


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@HanAre the 2022 VMs and the VBR server on the same build/patch level? And like Michael wrote, do you maybe have deduplication enabled?

You can open a support case with a NFR license but you'll only receive best effort support. This means if Veeam support doesn't have any free slots, your case may get closed.

Userlevel 3

@HanAre the 2022 VMs and the VBR server on the same build/patch level? And like Michael wrote, do you maybe have deduplication enabled?

You can open a support case with a NFR license but you'll only receive best effort support. This means if Veeam support doesn't have any free slots, your case may get closed.

Yes all Windows servers (2019 & 2022) are at the latest patch level.
