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Hello All,

I have a TAPE job that works well until one day is skipped, for example, due to a holiday. In such cases, it tries to back up the missed days as well, but then it no longer fits on the tape.

Currently, there are 10 processes in the TAPE job, but if a day is skipped, it becomes 20 processes, and if two days are skipped, it becomes 30 processes.

I can only fix it by deleting the TAPE job and creating a new one. This again only works well until a day is skipped.

I am using the following: Veeam Backup and Replication, TAPE: IBM ULT3580-HH6 SCSI

Any idea?



What kind of tape pool are you using standard or GFS?  What are the setting of the tape job including Advanced settings?  Not sure I fully understand the issue but let's start here.  Also might want to search the forums as well to see if similar issues were reported -


This is the error: You can see that there are 10 process every day, but after skipped 3 days, 3x10process + current day = 40 process.

If I stop the TAPE JOB, it will save commulatively the next time is runs.


The kind of tape pool is standard.

These are the settings:


The tape job willl ensure it captures all restore points so that is why it runs like this. Try turning on this setting here for latest restore point only -


Thanks for the help, that was solution.

Advenced \ Process latest full backup chain only.

For som reason this has escaped my attention.

Glad to hear that helped and fixed the issue. 😁

I’m running in an issue somehow related to this. I save Netapp NAS to a hardened repo on a daily basis and I dump the content of this job weekly from the repo to tape. If the dump to tape job fails, for any reason (may be a tape cartridge damaged, drive dirty…..whatever)  if I retry the dump to tape job, it only saves a few GBs, unless I wait one week.  Any ideas?

