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Hopefully someone with experience can help me with this. I'm struggling to understand the SOBR in combination with GFS, and if what i want is possible within Veeam.

What i would like is the following:

  1. Backup job to local storage attached to backup server.
  2. Copy result to tape

This i can manage. Now...

  1. Copy result to SOBR containing:
    Performance tier: local repo immutable, store recent 4 weeks
    Capacity tier: Azure S3 hot immutable, store recent 4 weeks (copy instant checkmark)
    Archive tier: Backblaze S3 immutable, store month and year backups

I'm trying to save cost here, so what i don't want is for Veeam to send the files from Azure S3 to Backblaze S3, since this will result in read and egress costs. What happens on the last week of the month? Will Veeam SOBR copy from performance tier (thus local to Backblaze (ingress)), or will it copy from capacity tier?

Or should i use plain copy jobs with GFS?



Only Azure archive tier and AWS S3 Glacier/Deep Glacier are supported at archive tier. And these are only supported when their “warmer tiers” are used at either the capacity tier or in the case of backing up directly to object storage, the performance tier, if a capacity tier is then either not used or is just a cooler tier of the appropriate AWS/Azure Storage.


What you want to do here to achieve your desired backup copies is to create a backup copy job with your Backblaze S3 storage as the target, and set the retention you want for both all incremental backups and GFS backups.

Thanks for your answer.

So for monthly and yearly backups that need to be copied to Backblaze (immutable bucket), would i configure it like this? Does the upload resume if terminated outside the backup window?


Yes, it should resume outside the backup window.  On the Target page under the Advanced button there is an SLA option you can set as well - RPO alerts.


Hi @Knuppel -

I was just following up on your question here about SOBR configs. Did any of the provided comments help? If so, we ask you mark which one did as ‘Best Answer’ so others with a similar question who come across your post may benefit.

Thank you!
