
Second AV for SureBackup

  • 21 September 2023

Userlevel 4

Hi Community,

We are using as AV solution Sentinel One. This Solution isn’t standard included in the
 AntivirusInfo.xml for Secure Restore/SureBackup. So I had to create my own entry, based on very little info and no list of error codes. It’s working but I don’t feel 100% safe as it wasn’t standard included or supported. During a recent Veeam On Tour it was brought to my attention, that using a different AV solution other then the one that’s active on your server bring an extra level of security/check. Now standard on this windows servers os Defender installed.
Defender is also standard part of the AntivirusInfo.xml. We don’t want 2 AV solutions add the same time active on our systems. However if we could for example with SureBackup start a PS script that activate Defender at the start of the job and deactivates it again add the end of the task. This would be a great solution to me. Has anyone here this kind of solution in place and would like to share the PS?
What about the AntivirusInfo.xml would it then the best option to remove the S1 entry, or is there an option to define in a script to choose which solution to use.
Really curious to here you thoughts and comments.



Best answer by Chris.Childerhose 21 September 2023, 16:55

View original


Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @De Cock - I'm not aware of anyone doing this, but I assume it's possible. Have you searched the Web for a simple script which starts a Defender scan? If Microsoft or someone else has one, then it's just a matter of adding it to your Surebackup job.

Maybe someone else can chime in with other ideas for you. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

I have never tried to use 2 AV solutions and not sure even using a PS script you could tell it which one to use since both are included in the XML file.  My suggestion if you don’t feel confident with Sentinel One then I would remove it from the XML and just go with Defender as long as it is active.  Then do some testing to see if you get the results, you want and feel more confident.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @De Cock -

I just am following back on your A/V scan question. Did any of the provided comments help you at all? If so, we ask you mark which comment best assisted you as ‘Best Answer’ so others who come across your post with a similar question may benefit. If you found a suitable solution, could you share what you did?...again, so others may benefit.

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