I want to restore a backed-up 365 mailbox to another user. I’m following the guide in the Restore-VEXItem help page:
I’m following example 5:
$session = Get-VBOExchangeItemRestoreSession
$database = Get-VEXDatabase -Session $session -Name abc.onmicrosoft.com
$salesmailbox = Get-VEXMailbox -Database $database -Name "sales"
$creds = Get-Credential
Restore-VEXItem -Mailbox $salesmailbox -Server outlook.office365.com -Credential $creds -RestoreChangedItem
Except I’m restoring to another mailbox, so my last line is like:
Restore-VEXItem -Mailbox $salesmailbox -Server outlook.office365.com -Credential $creds -RestoreChangedItem -TargetMailbox $Targetmailbox
It always fails with something like
“Cannot open mailbox: myuser@mysite.com”
Veeam can find both the source and the target account using:
Get-VBOOrganizationUser -Organization $Organization -UserName ‘myuser@mysite.com’
So I’m not sure what might be wrong. Any ideas?