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Restore failed: The requested security package does not exist

I’m using VEEAM

  1. I’ve created a backup on a RDX drive with the option ‘This repository is backed by rotated drives’.
  1. Then i created a bootable recovery media → USB stick
  1. Starting machine from USB stick and open wizard ‘Volume Level Restore’

Backup location is fine, full backup

Starting progress will show the following lines:

  • OK Loading backup files
  • OK Restore process started …
  • BAD Restore failed: The requested security package does not exist
  • BAD Saving restore logs Error: Unable to save recovery logs to target repository. To do …

Please advise.

THX Reinhard


What OS version are you trying to restore first off?  Is it a VM, server, workstation, other?  Never seen that message so will try to do some searching.

You might need to create a support case and also maybe check the forums -


Hi Chris,

it’s a physical Microsoft Windows server which is backuped on a RDX drive. Everything is fine apart restoring the complete server. File recovery is working. 

Unfortunately, I’m not able to restore the complete server because of the previous mentioned error.

Does it has to do with credentials? I’m not allowed (disabled) to make any changes at the credentials of the managed server.



Hi Chris,

it’s a physical Microsoft Windows server which is backuped on a RDX drive. Everything is fine apart restoring the complete server. File recovery is working. 

Unfortunately, I’m not able to restore the complete server because of the previous mentioned error.

Does it has to do with credentials? I’m not allowed (disabled) to make any changes at the credentials of the managed server.



I would not think credentials has much to do with it.  What version of Windows Server is the system?  2019? 2022?  When you created the bootable USB did you install drivers, etc. during the process as I am wondering if something is missing there.  Doubt it but good to check.

Windows Server 2022

I used ‘Create recomvery media’ from VEEAM 12. I supposed everything is in.

Booting doesn’t show any missing and access to RDX drive is fine.



Windows Server 2022

I used ‘Create recomvery media’ from VEEAM 12. I supposed everything is in.

Booting doesn’t show any missing and access to RDX drive is fine.



If you are restoring a server then can you create the media from the Agent software on the server itself?  Is that how you are backing it up or are you using Veeam VBR to do the backup.  I have a feeling the USB media is not complete or missing something.

Yes, I believe the preference is to create the recovery media from VAW when possible.

Did you find out what the issue was ? I’m facing the exact same problem. Server 2022, created backup from VBR, and restore media from the VBR console too. Everything works fine, restore media boots up, connects to the VBR repository, and lists the restore point. Then I get the error: “The requested security package does not exist”.

I tried exporting the backup to a usb drive, so to run the restore from a local drive, and discard any possible network credentials issue. I’m getting exactly the same error message. I have a log file, but not being able to paste the log in here, it wont allow me to post it.

@reinht  Were you able to find a resolution?  If so, can you share?

Yeah, my solution was to get a 5.0 Windows Agent. Did the backup with that one, and bare metal restore worked beautifully - from locally attached drive. Cant use Agent 5.0 with VBR 12 repository though, as it will auto upgrade to non-working agent 6.0.

Same issue here:

  • Bare metal restore fails with “The requested security package does not exist”
  • Recovery media has been newly created after Windows Server 2022 in-place upgrade from 2019, rescan of the host, and full backup in VBR. I am using the same host for backup, creation of the recovery media, and restore in this case.
  • Rotating backup on USB disks - the vbm file on the disk already existed before the OS upgrade.

Successful workaround: Bare metal restore was possible with the very same backup taken after the OS upgrade using the older recovery media, which was created on the same host with VBR and Windows Agent 6.0 under Windows Server 2019 still.

This seems to be a problem with the Veeam recovery media creation in Windows Server 2022, at least after doing an in-place OS version upgrade.

I have same issue, it seems that agent 6.0.2 not working good with server 2022. Is there any fix?

I have same issue, it seems that agent 6.0.2 not working good with server 2022. Is there any fix?

According to the following link Agent 6.0.2 is compatible with Win2022 - System Requirements - Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows Guide

I have same issue, it seems that agent 6.0.2 not working good with server 2022. Is there any fix?

You might want to open a support case so that they can address any issues.  Unsure if the next release might fix something??

I didn't express myself correctly, recovery media created in windows server 2022 won’t do bare metal recovery with error “The requested security package does not exist”. Created media in server 2019 and it worked perfectly.


I didn't express myself correctly, recovery media created in windows server 2022 won’t do bare metal recovery with error “The requested security package does not exist”. Created media in server 2019 and it worked perfectly.


Ah yes that makes more sense.  There were similar issues in Win11 as well with recovery media.  Glad you got it to work.

Same problem, just wanted test a bare metal restore on a new Windows Server 2022 machine and...restore failed….

Let’s try the Pavelman solution.

I don’t understand why the software developers (First Microsoft but not only...) don’t test their packages in the real world (phisical machines with real hardware)….they all use VM...🙄

Pavelman: our hero, it worked flawlessly, not everyone has a Windows 2019 to create the recovery media 🤣



We have released a new kb article regarding this issue:

KB4512: Bare Metal Recovery Fails With "The requested security package does not exist." (






We have released a new kb article regarding this issue:

KB4512: Bare Metal Recovery Fails With "The requested security package does not exist." (




Great to see there is a KB article out now for this.  👍🏼



We have released a new kb article regarding this issue:

KB4512: Bare Metal Recovery Fails With "The requested security package does not exist." (




Thanks for sharing.

The root cause is the old Windows Server 2022 ISO image file bug.

If you try to use it to in-place upgrade the server from 2019 to 2022, it will fail as well.

Anyone tried an in-place upgrade from 2022 “old” to a 2022 “new”?

Not everyone has access to the updated ISO of 2022, there is no Winmediacreationtool for 2022.

I think it’s better to hold on to an old be sure 😗

It’s a great thing to find this out was trying to do a bare metal restore on my only physical server.   Serious FAIL on VEEAM’s part IMO.   The media creation wizard should be programmed to warn of the bad wim file when creating the media.  

I am using a newly created media from newly downloaded VEEAM Agent.   No warning… just screwed.  Well it’s a fresh install now.

I’ve recommended Veeam to every company I’ve work at or for for many years.  Now I feel the need to go back and warn them all of this and recommend they perhaps look elsewhere.

Just now seeing this resolution. Glad it’s being addressed at least. Hopefully will be added to a new Agent release soon.

BTW, @reinht ...I think your issue has been least to the best which can be at this point. Recommend selecting a ‘Best Answer’ when you get a chance.
