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hi, I would like to know that, can we directly restore to on-prem from S3 glacier (archiving tier) using SOBR ? 



yes you absolutely can.


as archiving tier isn’t readily available to read from, first you initiate a data retrieval to bring the archive tier storage online (details here:

then you can perform your recovery of data as per here:

Yes you can! How @MicoolPaul said, you can restore it from Glacier. However it not works “directly”…

It needs to be done in two steps. In the first one you need to do the retrieval of Glacier and the second one the restore. 

To retrieve data Veeam offer 3 options according with AWS.

Hi @dika -

I’m just following up on your question of restoring data from S3 to on-prem. Do you still have any questions? Or if not, if any of the provided comments were sufficient in answering your question, we ask you select one as ‘Best Answer’ so others who come across your post with a similar question may benefit.

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