Perhaps the Service Provider section of the R&D Forums is a better place to ask, but I figured I’d check here to see if anyone has an easy button for resetting MFA on an AD login specified by AD group for an Admin in the Service Provider Console. I reloaded my phone and the Duo app didn’t import my 3rd party MFA logins. Fortunately, I have other admin logins I can use.
So far what I’ve gotten is that you have to apparently use the REST API (which seems silly to me if that’s the case, feature request coming up…..) because the user only exists in an AD group that was specified for access. While I’m not great with API’s, the the Swagger UI should make things easier.
That said, I haven’t yet figured out how to authenticate with Swagger using an account that has MFA enabled. I might be able to get it once I get past that hump. I was hoping that if I disabled the MFA requirements, I could log in and reset MFA from the user access, but it appears to prompt for MFA once enrolled even if the MFA requirement has been disabled. I also tried specifying the AD user individually and removing the MFA requirement, but still prompted.
Enabling and Disabling MFA for Administrator Portal Users
Enabling and Disabling MFA using REST API
Evaluation with the Swagger UI: Getting Authorization Tokens