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Hello. I have just configured a test lab of Veeam Community 11. I have servers and workstations configured. I get get notifications of servers but the workstations using the agent doesn’t seem to work ! 

must be missing something 



I am not sure if I understand your question correct.

You get notifications for agents in server mode and not for these in workstation mode? Or do the jobs with agents in workstation mode not work at all?

Which agent are you using?

I have backup jobs created with the server option and the email report works fine for selected events (fail, warning etc). When a job is created on the Veeam Server for a workstation the notification options are slightly different but don’t generate even the daily report, as an option. 


Are you using Veeam agent managed by the VBR server and using jobs managed by VBR or just standalone agents and writing only to a VBR repository?

In agents managed by worskation you need to configure notifications on agent (workstation side).

Managed by VBR server. No agents managed by workstations 

As far as I know there are no email notification options beside the daily report with workstation agents available.

To have the notification option available you have to use the standalone agents and install them on the client systems.


Beside this you can try the general email notification options under general options menu.

Yes but even the daily report doesn’t work ???  General apart from SMTP settings doesn’t help

Given the comments it seems the daily report is the only option. However it doesn’t get emailed. However emails regarding other parts of the Veeam reporting work hence no issues with spam etc. How do I get this to work. 

A small guess, but worth to doublecheck. Is Veeam running on a service account and if so has this user backup admin permissions in Veeam? If the service account is member of the Windows local administrators group it shouldn’t be a problem.

KB2197: Notification emails are not sent for backup jobs (


Thanks for that link but that isn’t the issue ?

I tried to install an agent in workstation mode. I had not worked with this up to now...

At least for windows you can open the agent gui on the client maschine and activate the notification.

I did not find any option for this on the server...

No you can’t as the GUI doesn’t work as the agent is controlled by the server !

However the server notifications work fine 🥺

If you choose an agent in VBR running in workstation mode, this is managed by the agen itself.Then you will have a backup policy, not a backup job. The notifications are different. Read the remark at this link : Notification Settings for Backup Policy - Veeam Agent Management Guide

You have to enable the global email notification settings, only in the jobs is not sufficient.

Email reports with backup policy statistics will be sent if you configure global email notification settings in Veeam Backup & Replication. For more information, see the Configuring Global Email Notification Settings section in the Veeam Backup & Replication User Guide.

After you enable notification settings for the backup policy, Veeam Backup & Replicationwill send reports with the backup policy statistics to email addresses specified in global email notification settings and email addresses specified in the backup policy settings.

Yes, works as described in the helpcenter.


My first run of the policy did not work and at 10pm the daily report with this error was sent.
Everything’s fine...


