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Hey Guys,

I had a backup fail last night due to a datastore no longer having enough space to process 


Is this a threshold that can be configured somewhere?

How much space is actually needed to process a backup

I am trying to find some more info in the logs but havent seen anything yet





Skip VMs when free disk is below <N> %

This setting protects your datastore to run out of space because of open snapshots while the backup session runs. If such situation would occur, all VMs on that datastore would become unreachable/crashing.

How much space you require depends on how many changes your VM writes to the datastore while running on a backup snapshot. It could be a few GB for active directory controllers, but it could also be dozens of GB for database servers with heavy transactions every seconds.




Update - I stand corrected as Fabian answered the threshold question.

You need to figure the size of the datastore and then how much provisioned/used space does the VM take up.  Then I typically add about 25% on to the datastore over the size it is to ensure snapshots and processing can be done.  This is a sizing exercise for the storage.
