
No more Status Mails after upgrade to VBR v12 and Linux Agendt v6

Userlevel 2


I have upgraded "Veeam Backup and Replication Community Edition" from v11 to v12 and "Veeam Agent for Linux" from v5 to version v6.0.0.1060.

Since then, I receive no more Backup Status mails from any Agent running v6.
The only status mails I receive, ist for a Windows client with Agent version v5.0.3.4708.

I have already checked the notification settings on the "VBR" several times. Various test mails are delivered successfully.

Does anyone have similar problems after the upgrade, or a solution?

I would be very grateful for any feedback


Best answer by capnhowyoudo 1 April 2023, 22:42

View original


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

The environments I’ve been already upgrade do not use mail notifications.

So, I don’t know. 

What mail provider are you using?


Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Is the Veeam Linux Agent managed by the CE server?  If not, then check the Linux Agent for settings for mail maybe?

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hello @RoGoVu I am sure all the recommendations stated here were adhered to:

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

So only the Linux Agents don’t send any notifications? What kind of notification are you expecting, and was it sent by the backup server or by the agent itself?

Userlevel 2

I expect the VBR to send confirmation mails to my registered email address. Before the upgrade, it always did this without any problems. Also, test mails are delivered correctly, so I don't think there is a problem with the mail settings.

I wanted to fix the problem using this script.
This script creates a report about the last backup and sends it by mail. When I run this manually it works without any problems, but when I put it in the agent's post job script it does not send any mails.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi, I would say that, Veeam B&R V12 Server should be sending the notifications after task execution. 
If you want the Linux agent to notify you, is another workaround, 
Regarding the scriopt, if you run it manually and works, and the the after task execution fails, check the permissions at the script, maybe is not executable by the user that is running the backup agent task.


Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hi, I would say that, Veeam B&R V12 Server should be sending the notifications after task execution. 
If you want the Linux agent to notify you, is another workaround, 
Regarding the scriopt, if you run it manually and works, and the the after task execution fails, check the permissions at the script, maybe is not executable by the user that is running the backup agent task.


Good point! Does the script fail with an error code when run automatically?

Userlevel 2

For the time being, I have found a solution to the problem.
The script is started by the Veeam agent before the backup is completed.
That is why the script did not work via Post Job.

I now start a script via the post job, which executes the "vee-mail" script. In the "vee-mail" script I have set a SLEEP of 60 seconds, so the script only runs after the backup has been completed. Now the mail dispatch works again.

Thanks to all of you for the advice

However, it is still unclear to me why the VBR does not send any status mails.


Userlevel 7
Badge +21

For the time being, I have found a solution to the problem.
The script is started by the Veeam agent before the backup is completed.
That is why the script did not work via Post Job.

I now start a script via the post job, which executes the "vee-mail" script. In the "vee-mail" script I have set a SLEEP of 60 seconds, so the script only runs after the backup has been completed. Now the mail dispatch works again.

Thanks to all of you for the advice

However, it is still unclear to me why the VBR does not send any status mails.


I was reading on Reddit that v12 now checks the SSL of your mail server so there is some fiddling required with opening the settings and saving them to get it to validate but this may not be related.

Userlevel 2

If there is someone who had a similar error and could find a solution, it would be great if they could post it here.

Currently I get the mails successfully sent directly via the script.
However, I would prefer the official method from Veeam, as you have to update the script again and again.

Short summary of the problem:
I have upgraded "Veeam Backup and Replication Community Edition" from v11 to v12 and "Veeam Agent for Linux" from v5 to version v6.0.0.1060.

Since then, I receive no more Backup Status mails from any Agent running v6.
The only status mails I receive, is for a Windows client with Agent version v5.0.3.4708.
The mails were sent from the VBR until the upgrade.

Best regards,
Roman Hölbling

Userlevel 1

I to am having the same problem. Here is what I noticed in the logs prior to the upgrade 


[26.02.2023 02:24:19] <155> Info [LinuxBackupServerWorker] Command: server.SendEmailReport
[26.02.2023 02:24:19] <155> Info {(EDateTime) _currentTime=2023-02-26 02:24:19; (EUInt64) backupSize=44368945152; (EString) clientProductName=Veeam Agent for Linux; (EString) clientVersion=; (EInt32) compression=104; (EDateTime) creationTime=2023-02-26 08:00:03; (EDateTime) currentTimeUtc=2023-02-26 08:24:19; (EInt32) dedupe=99; (EDateTime) endTimeUtc=2023-02-26 08:24:19; (EInt32) failedObjects=0; (EGuid) jobId={b142055f-1fe7-4a20-b8bc-5fbc16203fd7}; (EString) jobName=HFS-DNS; (EString) objectName=HFS-DNS; (EInt32) processedObjects=1; (EUInt64) readSize=47547678720; (EString) sessionMode=<empty>; (EString) sessionResult=Success; (EDateTime) startTimeUtc=2023-02-26 08:00:03; (EInt32) successObjects=1; (EStringArray) taskSessionDetails=<empty>; (EInt32) totalObjects=1; (EUInt64) totalSize=428740075520; (EUInt64) transferedSize=44293674188; (EInt32) warningObjects=0; }
[26.02.2023 02:24:24] <155> Info [DB] Transforming xml report to html report
[26.02.2023 02:24:24] <155> Info [SessionReportMailer] Sending report safely
[26.02.2023 02:24:24] <155> Info [CReportMailer] Sending report to
[26.02.2023 02:24:24] <155> Info Sending e-mail notification, server '', port '587', timeout '100000', use ssl 'True', to ''
[26.02.2023 02:24:24] <155> Warning [Ssl] Unexpected sender object in ssl validation callback: Veeam.Backup.Common.Network.CSmtpClient
[26.02.2023 02:24:26] <155> Info [LinuxBackupServerWorker] Result:

Newest Log as of latest linux stand alone agent

[05.03.2023 04:11:50.711] <136> Info [LinuxBackupServerWorker] Command: server.SendEmailReport
[05.03.2023 04:11:50.711] <136> Info {(EDateTime) _currentTime=2023-03-05 04:11:50; (EUInt64) backupSize=30407585792; (EString) clientProductName=Veeam Agent for Linux; (EString) clientVersion=; (EInt32) compression=112; (EDateTime) creationTime=2023-03-05 08:00:08; (EDateTime) currentTimeUtc=2023-03-05 10:11:50; (EInt32) dedupe=110; (EDateTime) endTimeUtc=1970-01-01 00:00:00; (EInt32) failedObjects=0; (EGuid) jobId={b142055f-1fe7-4a20-b8bc-5fbc16203fd7}; (EString) jobName=HFS-DNS; (EString) objectName=HFS-DNS; (EInt32) processedObjects=1; (EUInt64) readSize=479513804800; (EString) sessionMode=<empty>; (EString) sessionResult=InProgress; (EDateTime) startTimeUtc=2023-03-05 08:00:12; (EInt32) successObjects=0; (EStringArray) taskSessionDetails=<empty>; (EInt32) totalObjects=1; (EUInt64) totalSize=479513804800; (EUInt64) transferedSize=30386528836; (EInt32) warningObjects=0; }
[05.03.2023 04:11:50.725] <136> Info [DB] Transforming xml report to html report
[05.03.2023 04:11:50.856] <136> Info [SessionReportMailer] Sending report safely
[05.03.2023 04:11:50.856] <136> Info [LinuxBackupServerWorker] Result: 
[05.03.2023 04:11:50.880] <140> Info [LinuxBackupServerWorker] Command: network.stopThrottling
[05.03.2023 04:11:50.880] <140> Info {(EDateTime) _currentTime=2023-03-05 04:11:50; (EDateTime) currentTimeUtc=2023-03-05 10:11:50; (EGuid) throttlerId={82f40cd8-9252-4df8-9d09-67b104fd55ac}; }
[05.03.2023 04:11:50.881] <140> Info [LinuxBackupServerWorker] Result: 
[05.03.2023 04:11:52.321] <175> Info [LinuxBackupServerWorker] Command: resourceScheduler.notifyJobFinished

Looks like the following is missing 

[SessionReportMailer] Sending report safely
[CReportMailer] Sending report to
Sending e-mail notification, server '', port '587', timeout '100000', use ssl 'True', to ''


Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Seems that you mail server uses SSL...

Userlevel 1

Seems that you mail server uses SSL...

Correct, however the same thing is happening as the author has stated. I also have a Windows stand alone agent that reports to VBR and the emails are sent out fine for success. The test emails are also fine with sending out in VBR but after the stand alone agent update for linux to 6.0 the problem began no Emails are sent out for any of the linux based workstations.


Userlevel 7
Badge +17

I had this some time ago at a VBR server, too. Testmails were delivered, the status mails not. At the end the permissions on the mail server were not correct. Don't remember the exact missing  permision at the moment….

Userlevel 1

I had this some time ago at a VBR server, too. Testmails were delivered, the status mails not. At the end the permissions on the mail server were not correct. Don't remember the exact missing  permision at the moment….

But the other Windows stand alone agent that goes through VBR sends success emails. This seems to be a problem with just the Linux agents that are running 6.0 +

I have the exact same issue as @capnhowyoudo and @RoGoVu, it’s not an issue where only test emails work.

  • Previously using v11
    • mix of Windows and Linux agents
    • emails received for all successful backups for all agents on either platform and configuration backups
  • After upgrading to v12
    • same agents, all upgraded to v6 agent
    • backups complete without issue for all agents
    • only Windows agents and config backups generate email alerts 
    • received a prompt to verify certificate used by smtp server when I was tinkering with settings to troubleshoot this
      • verified certificate and trusted it
      • emails from windows/config backups working fine after but linux agents still do not generate emails

I only configured email settings on the server, the individual agents have never been configured with email settings.  This setup worked fine until v12.

Seems pretty clear that there’s a bug here, test/windows/config backup emails work so it’s not an email configuration issue and I’ve reviewed all relevant settings, there’s nothing left I can see for me to adjust to troubleshoot this. 

Do any Veeam reps monitor these forums?

Userlevel 3

Hi ,

You can check and increase the email size ( and file attachement size) on the SMTP server settings itself.  Default installations have smaller file size limit. Perhaps increasing the size limit may help you send the emails in case the report size has increased.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

I have the exact same issue as @capnhowyoudo and @RoGoVu, it’s not an issue where only test emails work.

  • Previously using v11
    • mix of Windows and Linux agents
    • emails received for all successful backups for all agents on either platform and configuration backups
  • After upgrading to v12
    • same agents, all upgraded to v6 agent
    • backups complete without issue for all agents
    • only Windows agents and config backups generate email alerts 
    • received a prompt to verify certificate used by smtp server when I was tinkering with settings to troubleshoot this
      • verified certificate and trusted it
      • emails from windows/config backups working fine after but linux agents still do not generate emails

I only configured email settings on the server, the individual agents have never been configured with email settings.  This setup worked fine until v12.

Seems pretty clear that there’s a bug here, test/windows/config backup emails work so it’s not an email configuration issue and I’ve reviewed all relevant settings, there’s nothing left I can see for me to adjust to troubleshoot this. 

Do any Veeam reps monitor these forums?

There are some that monitor here but if you need to report a bug or issue it is best to do it in the Forums for better visibility as that is monitored more.  Forums -

Userlevel 1

I have the exact same issue as @capnhowyoudo and @RoGoVu, it’s not an issue where only test emails work.

  • Previously using v11
    • mix of Windows and Linux agents
    • emails received for all successful backups for all agents on either platform and configuration backups
  • After upgrading to v12
    • same agents, all upgraded to v6 agent
    • backups complete without issue for all agents
    • only Windows agents and config backups generate email alerts 
    • received a prompt to verify certificate used by smtp server when I was tinkering with settings to troubleshoot this
      • verified certificate and trusted it
      • emails from windows/config backups working fine after but linux agents still do not generate emails

I only configured email settings on the server, the individual agents have never been configured with email settings.  This setup worked fine until v12.

Seems pretty clear that there’s a bug here, test/windows/config backup emails work so it’s not an email configuration issue and I’ve reviewed all relevant settings, there’s nothing left I can see for me to adjust to troubleshoot this. 

Do any Veeam reps monitor these forums?

There are some that monitor here but if you need to report a bug or issue it is best to do it in the Forums for better visibility as that is monitored more.  Forums -

I have one listed here but again does not look like Veeam as responded either in any way

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

I have the exact same issue as @capnhowyoudo and @RoGoVu, it’s not an issue where only test emails work.

  • Previously using v11
    • mix of Windows and Linux agents
    • emails received for all successful backups for all agents on either platform and configuration backups
  • After upgrading to v12
    • same agents, all upgraded to v6 agent
    • backups complete without issue for all agents
    • only Windows agents and config backups generate email alerts 
    • received a prompt to verify certificate used by smtp server when I was tinkering with settings to troubleshoot this
      • verified certificate and trusted it
      • emails from windows/config backups working fine after but linux agents still do not generate emails

I only configured email settings on the server, the individual agents have never been configured with email settings.  This setup worked fine until v12.

Seems pretty clear that there’s a bug here, test/windows/config backup emails work so it’s not an email configuration issue and I’ve reviewed all relevant settings, there’s nothing left I can see for me to adjust to troubleshoot this. 

Do any Veeam reps monitor these forums?

There are some that monitor here but if you need to report a bug or issue it is best to do it in the Forums for better visibility as that is monitored more.  Forums -

I have one listed here but again does not look like Veeam as responded either in any way

There is a reply from Hannes there about it being a bug and going to be fixed in a future update though.

Userlevel 1

For the time being, I have found a solution to the problem.
The script is started by the Veeam agent before the backup is completed.
That is why the script did not work via Post Job.

I now start a script via the post job, which executes the "vee-mail" script. In the "vee-mail" script I have set a SLEEP of 60 seconds, so the script only runs after the backup has been completed. Now the mail dispatch works again.

Thanks to all of you for the advice

However, it is still unclear to me why the VBR does not send any status mails.


I have been trying to get “vee-mail” to work for about an hour now im not sure what im doing wrong here, any help would be appreciated. I use 365 with MFA on so i created an app password and verified it worked with the following command

curl --ssl-reqd smtp:// --mail-from --mail-rcpt --user '' --upload-file curlmail.txt

Configured the config file but still nothing

I have placed in the /opt dir as stated

I have also change “CURLSTARTTLS=0” to “CURLSTARTTLS=1”

Added to the Post scripts in the backup job an pointed it to the correct location as stated in the directions.

Post-Job Script complete successfully

Any ideas?


Userlevel 1

For the time being, I have found a solution to the problem.
The script is started by the Veeam agent before the backup is completed.
That is why the script did not work via Post Job.

I now start a script via the post job, which executes the "vee-mail" script. In the "vee-mail" script I have set a SLEEP of 60 seconds, so the script only runs after the backup has been completed. Now the mail dispatch works again.

Thanks to all of you for the advice

However, it is still unclear to me why the VBR does not send any status mails.


I have been trying to get “vee-mail” to work for about an hour now im not sure what im doing wrong here, any help would be appreciated. I use 365 with MFA on so i created an app password and verified it worked with the following command

curl --ssl-reqd smtp:// --mail-from --mail-rcpt --user '' --upload-file curlmail.txt

Configured the config file but still nothing

I have placed in the /opt dir as stated

I have also change “CURLSTARTTLS=0” to “CURLSTARTTLS=1”

Added to the Post scripts in the backup job an pointed it to the correct location as stated in the directions.

Post-Job Script complete successfully

Any ideas?


Ok i tested it manually and it works but not working through veeam

Userlevel 1

For the time being, I have found a solution to the problem.
The script is started by the Veeam agent before the backup is completed.
That is why the script did not work via Post Job.

I now start a script via the post job, which executes the "vee-mail" script. In the "vee-mail" script I have set a SLEEP of 60 seconds, so the script only runs after the backup has been completed. Now the mail dispatch works again.

Thanks to all of you for the advice

However, it is still unclear to me why the VBR does not send any status mails.


I have been trying to get “vee-mail” to work for about an hour now im not sure what im doing wrong here, any help would be appreciated. I use 365 with MFA on so i created an app password and verified it worked with the following command

curl --ssl-reqd smtp:// --mail-from --mail-rcpt --user '' --upload-file curlmail.txt

Configured the config file but still nothing

I have placed in the /opt dir as stated

I have also change “CURLSTARTTLS=0” to “CURLSTARTTLS=1”

Added to the Post scripts in the backup job an pointed it to the correct location as stated in the directions.

Post-Job Script complete successfully

Any ideas?


Ok i tested it manually and it works but not working through veeam

Was able to get this sorted by creating a new .sh with the following and running the new .sh for post in veeam

sleep 30 && bash /opt/vee-mail/ &
