New free Veeam T-Shirt 🤣

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

For all of our members that are so keen of free T-Shirts - there is a new one… 🙄🙄🙄

Register aand- much more important - get an exclusive sneak peek on what you will see at AWS Summit EMEA 2021.
Additional get a free T- Shirt and get the chance to win a 500€ Amazon gift card.




Userlevel 5

Respected Team, 

Please provide me the details for the below 

1)T-shirt Date 15/10/2021 Veeam Order Confirmation #34278

2)T-shirt Date 20/10/2021 Veeam Order Confirmation #34671

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@RK99 when registering for a T-Shirt, you should have received a confirmation email. This includes a support contact to which you can write and ask for a status update regarding the delivery.


Hello, I have an order for a Veeam jacket. However, this has not yet arrived. Unfortunately, I can't find any support information in the order email. Can someone help me?

Respected Team,

Please provide me the details for the below

1)T-shirt Date 2/11/2022
Veeam Order Confirmation #91167

1)T-shirt Date 2/11/2022
Veeam Order Confirmation #91164

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Hello @m.hamidpour ,
we don't have any details about orders.

This community is a Veeam user community.

Up to now all ordered t-shirts were delivered to me. Are you perhaps in a country to which is delivery not possible?

@JMeixner I am in Italy and in message they confirmed:

8-10 weeks if your delivery address is outside the Americas

Isn’t there any way to track these orders and ask for a feedback?

I immagine veeam should have a solution for these cases.



Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Not from community side…
You could contact your local Veeam representative. Perhaps he or she can get more information about this internally...

Unfortunately there is no email address which I can send my request to. All other channels are disabled and I don’t have permission.


Userlevel 7
Badge +17

You don’t have an Veeam sales representative who is responsible for your company?

Sorry, I don’t have another idea for this situation.

I have partecipated an advertisemnet campaign of veeam in instagramand it was the offer of the ad, always managed by veeam. I am sure that veeam is aware of this order but I didn’t received it after this long time.

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

The only possibility I see is to ask this question on Instagram. Then it is possible that the Veeam social media team sees this and can help you.

This community has no insight in this processes and cannot help you with this.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Or ask on LinkedIn or Twitter as well to the Veeam account.  Nothing will be solved from the community for you as mentioned by Joe.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

It seems that there are still a few T-shirts left from VeeamON :joy:

@Kseniya get prepared to get some PM :joy:


Perhaps we should create an email address -

🤣🤣 This is just too funny. My wife already gets sick of seeing Veeam stuff come to the house don't need another t-shirt. 😛

I keep most of my Veeam stuff in my office.  But I counted shirts and such the other day as my wife was giving me trouble about having nearly no shirts without some sort of tech branding one way or another.  While I have 25 tshirts, 13 polos, 4 hats and a couple pairs of socks with my company brand, I also managed to acquire at least 2 hats, a polo, jacket, two stocking caps, some socks, and about 12 Veeam shirts.  Granted, some of that is Legends branded, but a most is not.  Now if I get additional free shirts, I get them in different sizes to hand out to my team or clients as swag.
