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Let's talk about major updates for Windows and Ubuntu

​In these two weeks, updates have been released for two of the most used operating systems in the world, I’m talking about Windows 11 and Ubuntu 21.10.

Windows 11 comes with all-secured new OS (and relative limitations too, es. TMP 2.0 and 3-years CPU), new design and sounds, new start, heavely power-up of multitasking, optimized and reduced uptades, integrated teams and widget, new Xbox funtionality, store and Android app support ( this one will come very soon). And if you have an AMD, tomorrow will get fix for that issue onb L3 cache and performance too.

Ubuntu intead comes with new features, but this release’s not a LTS so only around 5% of installations will get new update (long live to LTS), Linux kernel 5.13, Gnome 40 (and not 41), PulseAudio 15 for better bluetooth support, and more integration for desktop app and settings.

This is not a topic for which OS is better (please, not OS war), but to talk about which OS you use and for what reasons.

I’ll go first. I use both. Windows supports my sysadmin life like no one else can: stability is fundamental and Windows on this is a sure thing for my work in SME companies (in Italy almost all SMEs rely on Microsoft). On the other hand, I prefer Ubuntu/ParrosOS for what concerns the job as an pentester, command line tools that I need are all there and let me go deep in network analysis.


And you, what do you use?


Userlevel 7
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I have updated to Windows 11 and find it works very well.  Have not tested Ubuntu 21.10 as yet but will in my lab to see how it works with Veeam and Repositories/Proxies. :smiley:

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

I have updated to Windows 11 and find it works very well.  Have not tested Ubuntu 21.10 as yet but will in my lab to see how it works with Veeam and Repositories/Proxies. :smiley:

Let’s says, Windows 11 works pretty fast and well compared to 10.

But it's fresh and still needs polished.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

I have updated to Windows 11 and find it works very well.  Have not tested Ubuntu 21.10 as yet but will in my lab to see how it works with Veeam and Repositories/Proxies. :smiley:

Let’s says, Windows 11 works pretty fast and well compared to 10.

But it's fresh and still needs polished.

Yeah it still needs some tweaks but is pretty good.  I have been on it in the Insider program and have a VM on the DEV channel which works pretty well.  They need some fixes in this branch brought back to the GA release for sure.
