Historical archive of deleted VM's.

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I’m in testing for Wasabi and that is the plan to 3-2-1 for archival data we have to keep for legal reasons, yet don’t require. With our 50-100 year retention policies for some stuff it gets pretty insane to keep this stuff on our SANS.


The Wasabi way is quicker to restore as well. AND, if you only need 1 file from the VM, you don’t have to restore the whole thing to the repository, which you do on tape. 


I’ve used the VeeamZIP auto removal, but our Veeam storage is always on the verge of getting tight so having a ton of VeeamZIP’s in there of not required machines is less important that PROD backups. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Great point @Scott! You are doing it correctly with Veeam ZIP. Here is a fantastic guide from @Nico Losschaert on this topic. There are other ways to achieve this without Veeam as well. 

Thx @Iams3le 😍

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Great point @Scott! You are doing it correctly with Veeam ZIP. Here is a fantastic guide from @Nico Losschaert on this topic. There are other ways to achieve this without Veeam as well. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

I do a similar approach.

Several colleagues asked for a deleted VM some weeks after the deletion. So. I do a VeeamZIP of them and keep it for 3 months normally. I don’t copy them to tape, because we don’t have that much deleted VMs, I keep them on a separate disk storage. You can set an automatic deletion date on the VeeamZIPs, then you don’t have to do housekeeping for them.

Userlevel 7
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When I was last internal IT I didn’t have tape infrastructure (rotated USB’s for airgap). As a result I just did a final VeeamZIP of the powered off VM and commited that to a separate folder on a SOBR extent. Once it’s not ‘required’ anymore and the thresholds for retention were met, it was just having that copy for ‘peace of mind’ in the event that exactly what you said would happen. Nice idea doing it to tape, alternatively now people could also throw it into some archive tier cloud storage (about to be a lot easier with v12 as well!) and just leave it there for a while.


I tended to do this because the business’ retention period was quite short (months not years), so it would age out of backups quite quickly.


Good discussion point 👍
